Jun 16, 2008 13:05
God’s plan is often vastly different than our own plans but hindsight shows us that they are also vastly better than our own as well. My way is often complicated and full of troubles but when my way in placed in greater hands, I am graced with peace and simplicity. I am not saying that by following God there will be no storms but what I am saying is that you will be in the eye of those storms, the peaceful center while everything else around you falls you are still. Sorry for the crazy hurricane reference but it seemed to fit really well with the way I feel about my life at this moment in time. Lots of things are changing in big ways for me and for my family and I should be panicked (and at times I am) but for the most part I am calmly getting through it all.
This weekend was hard for many reasons. I was home dealing with family and their troubles and for once I had to be the one keeping us all going and strong. Lou said this would bring our family together and the truth is, it has. I was also far away from the new part of my life trying to figure out what that all meant. I wanted to be at home helping but at the same time I really wanted to be in Raleigh. Thankfully I was able to be in both places and although I am ridiculously tired I would not trade sleep back for that time spent for anything. ;o)
Oh I think this is also a proper time to acknowledge my best friend. I have known her since the 6th grade. We have been through so much together, the loss of friends, the gain of new ones, boyfriends, crushes, first jobs, loss of jobs, divorce, weddings, awkward stages, sad moments, massive sun burns, moving, middle school drama, high school growing up, college maturing- all this and she still wants to be my friend and listen to what I have to say, all the while loving me for me with no judgments. She is one of two people that I feel completely myself around and comfortable saying ANYTHING to. I just wanted to thank her for letting me text her at 3am without getting mad and helping me laugh at myself <3
I used to think maybe you loved me, now I know that it's true
But I just can't spend my whole life just-a waiting for you
I don't want you back for the weekend, not back for a day
'Cause baby I just want you back and I want you to stay
Now I'm walking on sunshine, oh oh!
I'm walking on sunshine, oh oh!
I'm walking on sunshine, oh oh!
And don't it feel good!