Why yes, another goal update!

Apr 21, 2009 13:38

Brahma Shakti:

1.Build a pavilion
2.Build a six board chest
3.Build a wood shed
4.Write 5 filk songs
5.Write 50 pieces of poetry
6.Read the Bible cover-to-cover Now into Jeremiah.
7.Learn Hindi well enough to get around India Totally slacking on this.
8.Learn Toki Pona fluently
9.Make enough good-looking garb to go to Pennsic
10.Visit Bangalore
11.Visit Mount Kailash
12.Visit Arunachala Mountain
13.Go to Pennsic
14.Learn Python enough to program Zertz.
15.Read Umberto Eco's other novels (besides Foucault's Pendulum)
16.Review 10 adventure games (1/10)
17.Create and run 1 RPG campaign Got the bare bones worked out. Need to send another setting email to the group.
18.Complete 2 pieces of cross-stitch work Still need to get another needle.
19.Learn to cast metals
20.Grow a successful square foot vegetable garden (all squares productive) Replanted things into the other tomato square. I'm kinda worried about the garden. It's like it has run out of steam.
21.Create a self-sustaining compost pile I'm going to consider this one done. The pile is working, and it's all staying on the pallet right now. It's not really big enough to need walls yet, but I've been keeping it up for a while and things are breaking down.
22.Create a kitchen herb garden Time to transplant more items.
23.Build a bookshelf
24.Draw the plans for my cob house Starting this one today.
25.Complete the AODA First Degree Curriculum Blank no more! I found a nature-based tradition that doesn't give me the new-agey wonkness vibe that I get from some of the other Pagan traditions. The more I read about Druidry the more I like it. I may split this goal though, and get rid of some of these that I'm thinking of dropping.
26.Learn Quikscript fluently
27.Learn at least 2 period calligraphy hands
28.Build a tool shed
29.Build a shelter for the mowers
30.Finish learning Reiki
31.Become an Oracle in ATITD
32.Become 1st Dan in Aikido or the equivalent in Shinkendo
33.Learn guitar enough to play in a filk circle and not embarrass myself.
34.Become a certified astrologer Certification test this Saturday!
35.Design one puzzle-based adventure game
36.Find or create a combination of 50 letterboxes (1/50)
37.Learn wilderness survival
38.Create a small cob structure Got permission to build an oven on someone's land. After Lilies is done I'm going to discuss it more with them.

Vishnu Shakti:

1.Brush teeth twice a day for 3 months I need to journal this better so I can actually keep track!
2.Floss teeth once a day for 3 months
3.Shower (not bathe) daily for 3 months
4.Keep my hair buzzed down (so cowlicks don't show) for a year Still going.
5.Get at least 7 hours of sleep every day for six months
6. Blank
7.Call my family at least once a week for six months
8.Meet three people that I only know online currently in meatspace
9.Continue my AoL Part 1 practices until April 20th Done! Woot! 1 year of kriya!
10.Do my meditation 2x daily for six months Bombed this one bad, even with the 30 days in! Lack of journaling makes it hard to keep track too
11.Do Padmasadhana 2x daily for six months.
12.Do laundry and fold it immediately once a load is done for 3 months Been bad on this.
13.Do dishes every day for 3 months Been bad on this.
14.Vacuum whole house once a week
15.Mow lawn every two weeks when in season Front yard mowed. Letting back yard grow long for compost purposes.
16.Pack lunch to work at least 4 times a week for six months. (4/24) Keeping up!
17.Write in LJ at least once every two weeks for six months Baaad me. This one is 15 days since the last one.
18.Send holiday cards every year to friends and family
19.Visit family members at least once a year
20.Call college friends at least monthly
21.Keep nails cut short enough to play guitar anytime for 3 months Nails are still short!
22.Get a full physical once a year
23.Get teeth cleaned twice a year (1/5)
24.Go to Satsang every week when offered
25.Read 1 page Yoga Vaisistha every day
26.Read 1 Knowledge Sheet every day and write on it
27.Take at least 1 Advanced course a year
28.Take Blessings course
29.Take out trash promptly Up and down on this I'm afraid. It's current out though.
30.Screen in the porch
31.Mud the trailer walls
32.Clean the gutters
33.Hire a surveyor to map the land

Shiva Shakti:

1.Pare clothing down to minimum needed and matches well
2.Pare personal books that are not related to the goals on this list down to under 30
3.Pare board games down to those we actually play
4.Pare video games down to those I've played in the last year
5. Eliminate all non-important email lists I'm on and dump old email
6.Construct organization schema for computer data
7.Formulate and implement a backup process for that data
8.Pare kitchen equipment down to what is needed for four people
9.Categorize and organize tools and art supplies
10.Pare down personal items to single car load size
11.No hardcore internet pornography for six months
12.Hike at least once every two months on a new trail for a year (2/6) Hiked Kennesaw Mountain. Best view of the city I've found yet!
13.Work on eliminating at least three negative thought patterns
14.Eliminate at least three internet contacts that no longer serve my life properly
15.Avoid cursing for 10 days
16.Make three new friends at every convention I go to
17.Define my personal boundaries and limits...
18.Then identify which should be broken..
19.Then break them
20.Eliminate all things that do not serve these goals.
21.Do positive affirmation work for 3 months
22.Discover whether polyamory is really right for myself or not Maybe I'm just deluding myself? Sapphi and I have an open relationship, but I don't think you could really call any of the other partners we've had a truly poly relationship. They've all been rather one-sided, and even if intentions were good they seemed to degenerate quickly into friendships or FWB situations, on both our ends, and sometimes to the chagrin of the partners I've had in the past. Perhaps we just have something unique that works for us, and that's what matters. I'm considering this one done.
23.Discover why I enjoy BDSM
24.Perform an hour of service a week for six months
25.Have at least $2000 in savings by the end of the period
26.Discover why practicing magic scares me
27.Write three pages a day in my personal journal until goal Brahma 25 is complete Back on! I have to keep a journal as a record to send to the grove.
28.Make meal menus for home and stick with them for six months
29.Assert my viewpoints whenever possible
30.Learn how to prevent myself from being overwhelmed by other's needs

Got a few more done anyway! One in each section too. This makes 12/101 done!

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