The Old Guard

Jul 11, 2020 00:23

I just finished watching The Old Guard on Netflix. It stars Charlize Theron, whom I really enjoy watching so this movie was something I was looking forward to and it didn't disappoint. It was really good--full of action, story and a little bit of myth. I love myths <3  So yeah, quite a fun film.

We all went over to Nelson's house for dinner to commemorate dad's birthday, which was the 8th. Spent some time with the little munchkin. She's too damn much and is constantly making us laugh with her antics. Her favorite word now is, "no" so you can imagine how often she uses it lol. She also loves to test our limits and continues to do stuff when we tell not to... it's just all too much.

She came by earlier so we could watch her while my brother did some work around the house and Trisha got caught up on some chores. She does things that at her age I didn't think she'd be able to, but constantly impresses me with her intelligence. I know, I'm gushing but she's my niece/goddaughter and I can't help it. I have some photos I'll share at the end of the post in a cut.

So I was 'promoted' at work, but it didn't come with much of a raise. I will now be helping out 5 different departments instead of just two.... so that will be fun /sarcasm. I just have a feeling 'some' of those I'll be working for won't find it easy to share, and I just do NOT want to deal with their shit. With T, I've basically been doing her work for the last two months and I get nowhere near her salary, and I just cannot take it anymore. She was supposed to be doing a whole crap ton of work in this new system we're going be using come August 1st, and she's done NOTHING! I've had to do work on it just so we can be ready for LIVE and it's been driving me and the system admin absolutely crazy.

So yeah, even though I'm still working from home, there's still all the headaches and frustrations because its the PEOPLE, not the work that make me nuts. It's the double standard, where I have to always be on top of my work and productive, but certain folks at the top don't and are never reprimanded and it is so fucking annoying.

At least I have two weeks coming up off, and I'm going to enjoy them, even if I cannot go anywhere... just to get away from these people will be enough.

My Warcraft subscription ended, and normally I would I have quickly signed back up, but I just have not been feeling the game these last few weeks (and it's been more off than on the last year). I bought a few new games on the Steam Summer Sale, one being Dawn of Man which I've been playing constantly for the last three days. It's a survival game and I'm addicted. I only have two gripes with it: 1) I can't zoom out or zoom in enough and it drives me bonkers. I like to get in nice and close to see the details and it doesn't allow it, and sometimes I like to see the whole big area and it doesn't allow that. AND 2) my 'early settlers' aren't the brightest bulbs. They'll be in town, with PLENTY of food and access to it, and I get a notification that they've died of starvation. Really? HOW?! Lol ... yeah, those are my only two gripes and considering video games, that's not too bad.

I've also been playing my Surviving Mars a bit and Farm Together. I redownloaded Assassins Creed Origins and gonna try that out tomorrow. I've also been playing Planet Zoo quite a bit. The graphics in this game are absolutely breathtaking and the depth of play takes hours to learn (I did the training videos which took 4 hours and I didn't even fully finish lol). So yeah, definitely a game that one can dump HOURS into.

I haven't been building the last couple of weeks in SIMS. Mostly because I want to play some of these newer games I bought, but I'm sure I'll be back to it in no time. Speaking of, I love watching videos by this simmer, Deligracy. She makes some amazing homes, does some fun challenges, and inspires me all the time. If interested, definitely check out her YouTube Channel.

I have royally sucked ASS with my reading this year. One would think that being home, I'd have all the time between work ... I used to read at work all the time during lulls, but right now I can't seem to get into it. I have a feeling it's because I have games at home and I'd rather play a game than read a book, which yeah. Also, I think I've been reading books that just haven't spiced up my desire to read them (this last one took me a month to finish). I need to stop wanting to be a completionist and just put the book aside and move on when they get like that.

My only plans this weekend is to sleep... I haven't been sleeping well due to how humid and gross it's been this week (even the AC has been struggling to keep the room cool). I also HOPE to do some reading, but realistically, probably won't happen. I just want to relax and not 'think' about anything. I also want to finish Once Upon a Time. I'm on Season 6--and just read that most of the cast isn't even in Season 7 so like WTF?! Not really looking forward to Season 7 but I have enjoyed the show up to this point. I think the next show I'm going to give a try and catch up on (saw 2 seasons), is Agents of Shield.  Netflix has SO many of it's own movies/shows now on here that I want to watch quite a few of them but it's gonna take a while to wade through and pick out the ones I definitely want to spend time watching.

Anywho, some photos of my lovely niece <3

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