Lots of Writing

May 25, 2017 14:45

It has been so nice. With everyone except the Dean and two other coworkers on my floor, everyone is on vacation. The quiet has been wonderful as I actually get most of my work done first thing in the morning and then I have the rest of the day to write.

And writing I have been doing. I managed FOUR chapters today. Everything was just flowing and I couldn't stop writing and the lack of all the interruptions in a normal day was a huge help.

Of course, at this point and time I am just typing away and not doing any edits. I'm forcing myself not to go back and re-read (though I will be honest and admit I did it twice today *hangs head* LOL).

So far, I am content. I am just waiting for the writer's block to hit. It usually hits around chapter 15 but I am hoping that since I have a detailed outline, that won't happen but I shall seeeeeeee.

I took a short break from working on the latest chapter because I realized I hadn't posted in two days LOL

Have I mentioned how much I love rain? Maybe that is what is encouraging me write so much ahahah. The rain just sings to me (yeah I know that sounds crazy but it's true). It's supposed to rain all of tomorrow too and most of Saturday morning, so I has an excite. I WOULD wish for it to rain ALL weekened but since it's Memorial Day on Monday and lots of folks do BBQs, picnics, etc., I will not wish such. I will just enjoy what I get :P

Quick Cruise News
So as I figured, Diane and Flo have said they probably can't go on the cruise. Both Trisha and I had a feeling and both of us are pretty annoyed at Diane because we've been talking about this 'group' cruise for three years now, so really?

I finally had to tell Trisha to just forget them. They'll miss out on the blast that we will have :P

I don't have any plans, but Saturday Erica is having a house warming BBQ. I was going to go but lately I have been pretty emotional about dad's passing (as some may have read with recent posts).  So I sent her a quick text and just explained the situation. She is totally understanding and completely gets it so she told me not to even fret about it.

This is why I love my friends. I just find it very difficult to be social when I am this emotional. I barely engage, and I am just a mopey blob the whole night and no one has fun like that (especially those who are forced to interact with me). I know my limits.

I even took the 9th off of work (a Friday). It's the day dad passed and I know I'll be a blubbering mess that I just decided to take the day off. I think my mom is doing the same thing.

Brandon asked if we were doing anything to remember my dad, but I do not know if my brothers are up for that. I will probably visit him at the cemetary that day and have a chat, but otherwise, I think we will all mourn in our own way.

On that note, I am going to return to writing. I think I can pop out another two chapters tonight if I keep at it.

I hope everyone is having a great week so far <3

weather: rainstorm, co-workers, diane, writing, work, happy, weekend, planning vacation, erica, brandon, trisha

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