I haven’t played WoW in about three weeks. This is a huge deal with me because I have literally been obsessed with the game for the last 8 years. Maybe this expansion finally did it (I hate it). I didn’t like Warlords of Draenor too much (previous one), but it wasn’t completely awful and I ended up enjoying it but this one? I just can’t do it. So maybe I am officially done with WoW, which to me is a shocker.
It means I need a new game to be obsessed with (yes, need). Gaming is my escape and when I don’t have something I can throw myself at, I become rather depressed/sleep all the time which isn’t good. Right now I’m into SIMS, but that game doesn’t usually hold my attention too long (maybe a couple of weeks). Yet, everything out there right now has zero appeal to me and Im feeling very frustrated.
Plus, I enjoy multiplayer games, so it’s not just about finding a game for me, but one that my gaming friends will also enjoy. They all broke off from wow early on in this expansion so I’ve been playing it relatively alone for a few months (which might be another reason I don’t like this expansion). Sigh. Guess I’ll figure something out lol.
I am pretty happy with myself. I have been getting crazy ideas down on paper for my book. I did a very rough draft of my chapters a few days ago (trying to just get a basic plot down), and now I am going through and doing a more in-depth outline for each chapter (what I want to happen, who is in it, etc.) and I am pretty excited. My original draft had me having about 38 chapters, but right now I am on chapter 20 and it’s 7 chapters behind of what I had in my draft so I may have a full on book going here (I figure 1600 words a chapter-and many of my chapters hit 2k), it will be a decent book of about 300-350 pages. *Fingers crossed*
Best part? I am actually enjoying this. Usually I find outlining tedious and scrap doing it and jump right into writing (but then I hit a chapter where I have no idea where I want to take the book, and end up not writing for ages-and eventually dropping that book altogether). This is helping the ‘itch’ to just write and having a focus/plan/knowing what I’m doing (which I can still change AS I write, but having a goal for the final product-is helping me stay focused).
I even looked (briefly) into self-publishing (I just wanted to see how in-depth the process is since I am so far away from that). I think that is the route I am going to take if/when I finally finish this thing. I don’t want to be tied down to a publisher (and probably wouldn’t even get one because my work will probably be crap HAHAH) … this way I can be on my own timeline, work at my own pace, and if no one likes the book/buys it, then I only lost out on the set-up costs for getting it out there. Though, once I have a FINAL draft, I may let it sit up there for ‘free’ to get some folks to read/leave reviews and depending on reviews, slowly up the price.
I promised my dad I’d try. So that is what I am going to do. If I fail at it, at least I DID try and I can knock that off my bucket list.
Tomorrow is our ‘end of year’ picnic, which is at an odd time because we just started summer classes. BUT, our Dean wanted students to come, so that’s why it’s mad early. We haven’t had an end-of-year picnic in about 7 years, but the new Dean feels it’s a great way to build community and is trying to bring it back. We’ll see how it goes. Most of the ‘senior staff (big shot)’ folks won’t even be around for it, so meh. I am leaving when it starts to go pick up my mom at home (since she doesn’t drive), then bringing her back with me. I don’t think we’ll stay TOO long, but we’ll see how things are going.
We haven’t spent a weekend at my brother Danny’s house since my dad passed away (brings back a LOT of memories since he stayed there for 6 of the 8 months before he passed away -last two we brought him back to his own home). It was just easier at Danny’s house because originally he was well enough to do the physical therapy from after the brain surgery (to remove the tumor). But as his health declined and the cancer continued to spread, Danny’s home wasn’t feasible since he had way too many steps to leave the house (which was heartbreaking every time my dad had to go to the doctor. He’d cry in so much pain because we had to help him walk down the steps … it was just awful and heartbreaking and remembering all of this has me crying soooo anyway).
Anyway … so yeah. We are going to head over there after the picnic (mom and I). Spend the weekend with him since I think he’s been feeling pretty lonely (he lives alone). Plus when my dad WAS healthy, he LOVED his house and we would spend every weekend there (my brother’s house is big/airy/lots of space and dad loved it).
I’ll definitely bring my gaming laptop so I’ll be playing SIMS over there, haha. I will also be doing a lot more work on the book/planning and I think next week actually start WRITING IT. I can typically write 2-3 chapters a day (when I don’t outline and just let it flow), so I am very curious if I will continue only doing 2-3 chapters OR if somehow I’ll pump out more a day. Guess I will see.
I rarely post about politics. But all I have to say is that I hope something is finally done and that buffoon is taken out of office (either he chooses it or he’s forced). Enough is enough already … seriously. I think that man is going to cause me to get gray hairs (and I have zilch).
Positive Note
I’d like to end on a positive note. I have a few friends here who post daily thankful-for’s. I think I am going to totally steal their ideas and end on positive notes (when I can). Today’s thankful for.
Spending time with loved ones <3
Enjoying SIMS a lot.
Super excited/happy about writing progress/book idea.
Looking forward to spending time with the bro.
Beautiful weather.
Things winding down at work finally.
Just got some really cute sheep post-it notes (will post photo when they arrive, ahaahha).
Friends who post often on here and give me something to read (:
All the books (read another one recently, currently 4 books ahead on my challenge… may have to ‘up’ it).