Warcraft Mounts

Apr 01, 2018 17:10

Finally stopped being a lazy pooper and worked on finding two 'secret' mounts in Legion. By this time in the expansion, they're not so secret, lol. BUT, I'm glad I waited. A lot of the video tutorials I found had mobs of people around the things you had to find to get these mounts. Today? None anywhere... so it was breezy and fast.

These two This one puts me at 194 193 mounts. Six Seven more and I get an Armored Blue Dragonhawk PLUS an achieve. w00t!

Okay... I lied. I only got ONE mount this week. The other one is behind a world quest... so this week was the pet, next week will be the mount. IT WILL BE MINE ONE DAY!

The other mount is the Fathom Dweller.

The pet from this week is sorta cute, though it seems to be stationary... so meh. Lol.

screenshots, world of warcraft, video game

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