Back to work after four days off thanks to the flu … and I am thankful they have their once-a-month meeting this morning. Means I have the place to myself for the next two hours *stretch, purr*. It’s nice not to have to deal with ‘crazy’ for a few hours. I’m also beyond happy I am back to my normal hours. These weird ass ones were killing me. I have forgotten what it is like to leave work by 5pm… when the sun is still out!
So yeah. Four days out of commission. At least I was able to read a lot. I am eight or nine books ahead for my goal, which is good because I am sure there will hit a lull where I won’t read for a while. So far, it hasn’t hit and I’m glad. I do love reading. I’ve read some really great books and a few pretty crappy ones, but overall, most have been so good. I’ve even found myself a few new authors, so that’s always a plus. So yeah … It’s February 5th and
I’ve already read 14 books. w00t!
I pre-ordered the next Warcraft expansion and made myself a Void Elf. She is so sexy. SEE! (Pretty screenshots).
I want to level her, but at the same time I have SO MUCH to still do on my main. I feel pulled in all sorts of directions and have no clue what to do so I end up sitting in Dalaran wasting time. Yeah. Issues. There are reps I need to farm (for lots of mounts), fishing I have to do for that damn BoA fishing rod, getting more gear on the Paladin …
THOUGH! I finally got my 4-piece tier gear on her. Freaking MONTHS with nothing, then the other night I did all the LFR wings with a couple of guildies and got THREE pieces (already had 2). It’s all or nothing, huh Blizz? Yeah. I was in shock. So she’s got her 4-piece and I think that shit has really helped. I did a couple of mythic dungeons and the deeps… so beautiful. I wish I could pull off those numbers in raids (which boggles my mind why I can’t-I don’t know if it’s because I get all nervous about the mechanics and make dumb mistakes… dunno).
So yeah. I want to do LOTS in WoW but working and being sick … really cut into it :P I can’t seem to focus on just ONE thing. It’s an awful trait of mine that I hate (why I have never published a book too). Oh … and I have to level a damn (debil) horde character so I can unlock the appearances, mount and achievements. Gah. I dislike horde greatly, but I made a goblin hunter, so let’s see if I level the thing. If not, I’ll waste my 110 boost on a toon ): Which I really DON’T want to waste it on. I’d rather use it toward one of my alliance characters, but I guess I’ll see.
See?! SO MUCH TO DO! AHHHHHHHHHHH and before I know it, the next expansion will be here. Ugh. Oh, and I need a panda because the damn turtle vendor has at least 10 maybe more mounts, but that rep is all but impossible to get now (even with a tabard, that shit only gives like 30 rep per boss-dunno WHY they fucked with it and made it that way. So annoying.. AND she’s a human so she get more rep, can’t imagine any other race). AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *deep breath*
Anywho… Saw the Super Bowl last night at my brother’s. It was mostly family, but he invited over a few mutual friends so it was a nice, small, intimate group of us. I really didn’t want to go, but he would have killed me, haha. I ended up enjoying the game more than I imagined. It was a pretty edge-of-the-seat game and the commercials this year were on POINT. Last year’s suckkkkked. I think only Doritos had good ones. This year Bud Light, Doritos, Mountain Dew and TIDE (Tide won this year) … were all hilarious. Oh and the Amazon Alexa one was pretty damn good too. But yeah … I am glad the Eagles won… knocked those Patriots down a peg.
We had some great food, lots of laughs and beer. It was a good time and I’m glad I was ‘forced’ to go (though I still would rather have stayed home playing WoW :P).
I’m just so glad I am not feeling like I’m on death’s bed anymore, had a pretty good weekend and have a full night of WoW to look forward to! Bwahaha.