WoW, Politics, Momma & Missing Pops

Dec 12, 2017 13:53

Started a fire mage last night, and surprisingly, I have really been enjoying it. Granted she’s only level 22, but still … it was fun! 88 more levels to go! The guild I joined has every main spec except a Mage since their full-time mage decided to swap mid-expansion because a lot of changes were made to Mages he didn’t like much. So, I offered to level one in case they want it for the next expansion, but I am HOPING … I do well on the Paladin… well enough that they would want me to stick with the Paly since she’s been my main for a really long time and I know how to play her really well.

Mages… eh. I haven’t played a maxed level one, well, ever. It’s why I’m going to take my time leveling her so I really get to know her ins-outs and try to become some sort of expert on them quick. It’s clear fire mages are VERY dependent on procs. When I got them back to back she owned the meters, but if one never popped, I did about the same dps as others my level. So, that will play a lot into the overall damage output. Plus, end-game, people have said they are VERY gear dependent, and I won’t get good gear unless I actually do raid on her. Blarg.

I hate politics. Now that trump is in office, I hate them even more. I cannot stand what that poor excuse for a man has turned this country into. Everywhere I turn, so much hatred (on both sides) … I can’t go on Facebook, or Twitter or even watch the news anymore because rage fills me with all the disgusting crap he does and how he even has ONE supporter, never mind a 32% approval rating boggles my mind to no end. WHO are these 32% and WERE you dropped on your heads as children where all logic, human decency and intelligence has escaped it??

Most of the world already disliked America before all of this, but now, not only are we an utter joke, most of the world legit HATES us. I just wish most of the universe realized that a LOT of us do NOT support the bag of filth, and wish he would do us all a favor (himself included, since he loves doing things for himself and no one else), and just RESIGN. I am so embarrassed for our future … when they look back on this moment and him, and wonder what every sane American is now wondering … HOW THE FUCK DID HE BECOME PRESIDENT?! And why did it take SO LONG to get him out of office!

UGH. Anyway. Just made myself a cup of coffee and I am going to enjoy it fully. I’ll be taking lunch soon. I like to go late because then I only have 1.5-2 hours left of the day and it just feels faster. Whenever I have to go early (for work stuff), the afternoon drags SO BAD. Lol.

It was nice to see my other work friend Shanell today. She’s one of the professors so she usually only comes in when she has to teach or comes to meet with students OR is forced into a meeting. Today she had a meeting but came early enough for us all to chat a bit, so that was nice. I think we’re going to all try to get together during our week-long break from work and have breakfast. Last time we all hung out was at Sheryl’s house for lunch and that was about three months ago. So we’re do for a hang out.

Tonight I have to sit around and write holiday cards. I finally got them in the mail yesterday, but by the time I realized it, I was hardcore into a game of Warcraft, so I put it off. I figure I’ll write the long distance ones tonight so they go out tomorrow, and then I’ll write the local ones this weekend and send them out on Monday.

ALL the stuff I bought for gifts arrived yesterday too, so our kitchen looks like a war-zone. I have to go through all the boxes and pile gifts together for their respective recipient. Bleh!

Other news ... mom's been doing well. I am amazed by her all the time. Of course, like all of us, she has bad days, but deep down she’s been good. I honestly feel like she handled my dad’s passing a LOT better than I did. She was his closest confidant, and where he wouldn’t complain to us kids about his pain and suffering, I’m almost sure he did to my mom. She knew the deepest darkest of what he felt, and I think she’s just thankful he’s no longer suffering, even if we are with his loss.

It’s so crazy how some days I’m doing fine, and then the smallest thing will ignite a fragment of a memory, and I tug on the thread, pulling it closer to the forefront, and something like ice cream on a random commercial suddenly has me remembering a story of how my father went for four different stores because it was my birthday and he couldn’t find the ice cream cake I liked the most (knowing full well ANY would have done for me) … and that gets me balling my eyes out for 2 hours. It’s just … crazy. I love that man so damn much and each day it’s a struggle knowing he’s not here … it really is. I just try to pretend I’ll see him soon, he’s just on a vacation, but we’ll met up eventually, but that doesn’t always work for me.

feeling: angry, i love you dad, missing dad, mom, thoughts: dad, feeling: nostalgic, dad, thoughts: politics, politics, christmas cards, game: world of warcraft, christmas shopping

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