
May 30, 2013 18:50

Don't freak out!

If I've deleted you here (about to do it after this post so you may not have been deleted here yet), it is only because I have you on my Dreamwidth account.

Last night I was trying to read my friend's page here and I was going bonkers because I couldn't remember who I had replied to on DW, and who I had not. SO ... I am still very much reading you over on DW, but figured it would save me a few migraines if I lessened the confusion for myself.

I may have deleted one or two people because while active here, we never really ... clicked. I figure you'll be happy about the change as well, and I need to trim my list here a bit so I can keep up with both blogs (:

I am also no longer adding anyone to this journal, sorry. I do want to remain active on both livejournal and dreamwidth and to do that, I would like a close-knit list.

Peace, love and success on all of your journeys in life!
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