It was a very quiet day today. It helped that it rained practically the entire day. I loved it, actually. It is SO much cooler outside, actually nearing chilly. I did a lot of reading today, trying to drag myself through my current book so I can move on. Not that it's an awful book ... it actually has a pretty good story idea, but something about it just annoys me and I can't pinpoint it ... So yeah. I spent most of the day trying to finish it and I am almost there.
I also spent a few hours out back on the porch enjoying the soft pitter patter of rain as it hit the tin roof (yes, our porch has a tin roof, it's quite nice). Then I had some laughs with my mom and dad when they got home from work and it was good times :D They are now officially on vacation themselves and they were already asking me what I had planned for us this weekend. Yep, leave it all to me! *headdesk*
No clue yet what we'll do. Tomorrow night there are fireworks, so I am definitely going to that to test out my new camera ... I hope I don't suck too much and get at least a couple of good shots. *fingers crossed* Other than that, nothing planned. I say we live by the seat of our pants this week :D
So yeah, today's photo is of the book I'm trying to rush and get done so I can move on ... and Alien Bob came by for a visit.