I Should Major In Rambling

Jun 27, 2012 13:05

Thanks all for the ‘sleep wishes’ in the previous post… I think they worked

I tried to nap when I got home, but of course my body wasn’t having that and my brain was refusing to shut down. So I read hoping it would make me go to sleep faster. I ended up finishing another book before I finally passed out around 9pm. Thankfully, I slept straight through the night and it was such an awesome sleep… deep, no dreams, no waking up randomly … it was great. I woke up feeling really refreshed this morning.

I was supposed to go out tomorrow night Friday night with Trisha and a couple of her co-workers. They were doing dinner and then going to see Magic Mike, since it comes out. I am just not feeling all that up to it. I love Trisha, but I don’t ever feel comfortable around ‘strangers’ and while I am polite and smile, I always feel uncomfortable. I told her on Tuesday I wasn’t going to make it, and she understands (thankfully … it is why she’s my best friend

I hate that I am that way … I know a big part of it is because I am an introvert and just really like my solitude (or the company of a very small/special group of friends/family). I hate big things … and I hate meeting new people - nothing to do with the people, it’s just all me and my weird psychosis.

People who used to know me during my ‘party days’ are always so shocked by me now. While they try to coax me into going out to the clubs with them every weekend, like I used to in my earlier twenties, I am just not into that anymore. I’d rather sit around at home and read or play video games or go out with a small group of my current close friends to the movies/dinner, or something like bowling/hiking/mini-golf … etc.

I’m just not into people anymore … lol I know that sounds so wrong … but I can’t help it. Most people annoy the ‘eff out of me these days, and while I have way too much patience (everyone says I am way too patient/nice) … it does eventually wear thin. I’ve just become very cynical towards humanity, something I am not too proud of, but find hard to shut off.

I think it’s another big reason why I cannot stand Facebook and am only on there to stay in touch with my family from Portugal/Canada. But, everyone I have on Facebook is people I know IRL (there are about five folks that I met via blogging, but the rest are either family or folks I do know personally IRL) … and the way they act on FB is SO different to how they really are in real life and it just makes me rage.

I know people find way more confidence behind a computer screen … I do get that … but really? People should love you for YOU, not who you pretend to be online to get attention. Attention hoes are one of my biggest pet peeves and sadly I know quite a few of them (and they’re a mix of both males and females).

Anyway, enough on that rant … For some reason I’ve been thinking today was Thursday … wtf (*points up*)? Wishful thinking at its best. I just went to put in something on my work calendar and was like … “Oh…It’s Wednesday.” Rofls.

I really want to go somewhere Saturday to put my new camera to good use. Diane said “beach!” but I don’t like going to our beaches during the weekend - everyone and their mother goes - *pointes up* I hate crowds. And people are so obnoxious at our beaches and have no respect for personal space … drives me bonkers. They just pile up and throw their blankets over yours and run by tossing sand all over you … yeah, it sucks. I only like to go when I am on vacation and go during the week … nowhere near the amount of people we see on the weekends.

So, I am going to do some searching online and see if I can find a nice park I haven’t visited to go snap photos at. I know there are a few with lakes people can swim in, so that might be more fun if I drag people along with me, ha-ha.

Holy guacamole-y this got long … I am shutting the ‘eff up now. I was so happy that Ziggy came by to visit - he totally made my day

facebook:, rant:, thoughts: life, feeling: crazy, feeling: depressed, bff: trisha, my-life: past, plans:, entry: detailed, me: anti-social

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