(no subject)

Mar 05, 2012 10:19

Things have been quiet, which is fine. That quiet ain't bound to last, though, so I figure anyway, 'cause I keep hearin' whispers of us bein' redeployed.

Y'know, I really like the Gilneans on the tome. I don't like that they're part of the whole... well, bein' at war thing. They've got a lot in common with us trolls, being ousted from their home, bein' the minority where they are, bein' tromped on. They don't seem too bad. I'm sure there's some that is and some that's so loyal to the Alliance like I am to the Horde--

... Sorta.

I mean, by virtue of bein' a Troll I've got to keep my eye on what the Alliance does. I've got to give a damn about the conflict. I find myself carin' less and less though, 'til they do somethin' to the Tauren or the Elves or the Trolls and then I care again. The Tauren don't want trouble from anybody, the Elves is just tryin' to rebuild, and the Trolls are just tryin' to rebuild, too. The orcs are giant assholes and the forsaken are better off permanently dead.

I'm re-thinkin' what we are and what we do. I don't really have reason to -

Well, okay. I do. Us bein' scattered everywhere should be more than enough reason.


I've got a feelin'.

treason?, harbingers, matojo:orcish, matojo

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