(no subject)

Oct 29, 2008 11:10

'samba quit the whole emissary thing, not that i remember him doing much beyond the meet thing, so it's back to my old stomping grounds for me. 'til the zombies come back. yessss, i get to do something that ain't paperwork.

hey. hey silvermoon. hey.

i'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.

i better bring the big lizard.

- - -

(( A letter! It's not in his writing, because his writing is atrocious - a woman probably wrote this. ))

Hey Commander Sunlance,

I'll be joining your patrols soon, or doing my own, since Darkspear quit. He's become a bit of a nancy since I knew him years ago - guess near-death experiences really fuck you up or something. I'll be bringing a lizard 'cause I can't shoot anything right now, you know, if it comes down to that. Which it won't.

Save a spot on those steps for me.

- Augur Furiey

stupid mat tricks, matojo:orcish, matojo

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