Jul 19, 2007 10:29
1. What's the best time you've had this summer, so far?
A weekend in the mountains with some great buds. Went rafting, hung out and drank in the river one day, just an all around great time. Secondly would be pride. That was rowdy.
2. When did you first realize what your sexual orientation is, and knew that you had no doubts about it? What was the event that finally convinced you?
I knew about 11. My friend's older brother would order porn from the spice channel and it wasn't long before I was watching the men more than the women.
3. If you were to take a trip to anyplace you wanted, with money being no object, where would it be?
Florence, Italy.
4. What do you plan on doing this coming weekend?
Friday- having a female British coworker over for shrimp kabobs and a new vodka drink Im trying out. Saturday- going to a friend's all day pool party where I'm sure I will have no choice but to get fully wasted. They throw great shindigs.
5. Are you satisfied with your current vehicle? If not, what would you prefer? I'm talking about a regular, everyday car that you would be happy to tool around in; not some garish, overpriced mid-life crisis type of car.
I love my car. She has seen a better day though. I've had a few little mishaps that have left the bumper and a few lights a little off kilter. But she rides like a dream (well more like the truck/suv that she is.) The next car I get will hopefully be a Saturn. My friend got a new one recently and I love it. Besides I can't afford the gas that my car guzzles on a daily basis.
6. Are you a morning person who energetically hops out of bed each day to hear the birdies chirp? Or are you more of a night-owl who prefers the relative quiet while the rest of the world is sleeping?
I am NOT a morning person. I struggle everyday to get my ass out of bed. I am the king of snoozing. I could snooze all day if you let me. And I get my best work done at night. In fact, last night I got to cooking some stuff for this dinner on Friday. By the time I slowed down and looked at the clock it was 1am. Holy sh*t!
7. Sex Question A: Do you still get the "morning-wood" and prefer to take care of it promptly? Or would you rather wait until the evening and satisfy yourself?
I do still get morning wood. Not every morning I wouldn't say. Or if it is every morning I don't notice because I'm so used to it. But no I don't usually take care of bidness right then and there. If it is a work day Im too in a hurry to jump in the shower. I guess sometimes on the weekend I will hop up and get on the computer and beat off.
8. You know how sometimes when listening to a certain piece of music, your body kinda shudders/ tingles, because it just sounds and feels so good to hear it? Which song(s) does that for you?
Yes that happens to me with quite a few songs. That is why I love music. But to name a single one I would have to say: The Denial Twist by The White Stripes
9. If you were to have a child, by whichever means, do you think you would be a good parent?
I used to think I would be an incredible father. My Mom still thinks I would be. With some more years to grow and get to know myself better, I just may become this person that could be a wonderful father. As of now, I am still sorting out my own life and having fun doing it. I think that I wouldn't be able to give what I would want to if I had a child at this point in time.
10. Sex Question B: If you had to choose one, do you prefer to take your time, and go at it for a good, long while? Or are you decidedly more athletic and matter-of-fact, quick-release, "Wham-Bam, Thank You Sam" about the whole thing?
It completely depends on the situation, how much time we have, the guy it's with, my mood...etc. But to give an answer, I like long drawn out sessions when we both are into it. Rolling around naked in the sheets for hours can be a great way to spend a saturday. On the other hand, if it's hot, then it's just plain hot, and the energy just pulls "it" out of ya. So both are fun. :)
11. Describe a time recently when you spoke out of turn and embarrassed yourself.
I usually try and think before I speak at all times. However, a few days ago, while chatting with some coworkers, I failed to think before I commented on the size of one of our supervisors breasts. It came out a bit off color and didn't get the reaction I was hoping for. Tough crown that day I guess.
12. Ben & Jerry's or Haagen Daas? Which flavor?
Haagen Daas, coffee.
13. Female Co-Workers: Fun on occasion, or mostly a royal pain in the ass?
On the whole they are fun for me. But I have a few that can get power-trippy. And those arent that fun.
14. Sex Question C: Have you ever had your prostate massaged (other than while being fucked)? What did it feel like?
Yes I have. And feel free to disagree, but it was sort of an umcomfortable feeling. It's sort of a pleasure/pain thing. Not that it hurts really, but moreso that it makes me feel like I have to pee. which of course can be fun in the right moment as well. :)
15. Choose a favorite 80's song, and quote a lyric from it.
1,2,3,4,5 senses working overtime
16. Same thing for a 90's song.
Words like violence, break the silence
17. What's the bitchiest thing you ever said to someone?
oh hell I don't know. Can't think right now.
18. Bear Runs: Fun, or just "blah, whatever"?
Don't know. Never been to one that wasn't Bearall, and that one is lame. Ask me after Lazybear.
19. What type of situation is most likely to try your patience/ piss you off? I know there's many, but try and narrow it down.
I'm easy annoyed by people that talk too much. Especially if they are imposing on my life/groove. I tend to just remove myself from the situation if that happens.
20. After you enter your answers here, please post this meme to your own journal so others can play too. Have fun !!