Having some fun..

Jan 29, 2004 22:00

*Please Note* I have not done this to be serious, but instead i'm on the phone with owen and feel like fooling around. Trust me its worth it..

[series 1 - you ]
-- Name : Matt
-- Birthday : July 10th, 1988
-- Birthplace : Randolph, NJ
-- Current Location : At my computer
-- Eye Color : Brown
-- Hair Color : Auburn with a red spot
-- Righty or Lefty : righty
-- Zodiac Sign : Cancer
-- Font : Times'n it up..!

[ series 2 - your favorite ]
-- Music : Blink 182
-- Cartoon : Simpsons
-- Color : Red
-- Slushy Flavor : Cherry
-- Magazine : PSM
-- TV Show : SNL
-- Song at the Moment: Apple Shampoo - Blink 182
-- Language : Jewish..
-- Spice Girl : I think Ginger was in Playboy, so her
-- Food & Beverage : Bubblegum and Orange Slice
-- Subject in School : Mass Media 1
-- Weekend Activity : Hockey, Computer, Gaming, Friends
-- Ice Cream Flavor : Mint Chocolate Chip
-- Roller Coaster : Nitro, Jared got pWnEd!!!

[ series 3 - what is ]
-- Your most overused phrase on livejournal: The or And
-- The last thought you go to sleep with : I hope I win..
-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex : Religon
-- The Best Name for a Butler : Jesus or Mom
-- The wussiest sport: Baseball
-- Your best feature: My Bulge..
-- Your bedtime: 7:45....on weekends
-- Your greatest fear : GIRLS!!!
-- Your greatest accomplishment: BOYS!!!
-- Your most missed memory : My mothers womb..

[ series 4 - you prefer ]
-- Pepsi or coke : Coke coughaincough
-- McDonald's or Burger King : Burger King because they give out hats..
--Single or group dates : There is plenty of man to go around..
-- Adidas or Nike : I don't listen to hip-hop..
-- Chicken nuggets or chicken fingers : I ain't black..
-- Dogs or cats : I purr like a kitten baby'
-- Rugrats or Doug : I'm no pedophile..
-- Single or taken : Taken it up the butt!!
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea : *Nothing Funny To Say*
-- One pillow or two : One, takes up less room
-- Chocolate or vanilla : I like em' dark..
-- Hot chocolate or hot cocoa : cocoa coughaincough
-- Cappuccino or coffee : Frappacino, because i'm somophistikated
-- Boxers or briefs : Not applicable

[ series 5 - do you ]
-- Take a shower everyday? : Did New Years pass? What YEAR is it!?
-- Do you think you've been in love? : Only with dem' spicy chicken wings
-- Want to go to college? : Maybe i'll just start a frat with two other 40 year olds, i dunno..
-- Like high school? : Yeah the past 7 years have been great..
-- Want to get married : you don't touch my sister..
-- Type with your fingers on the right keys? : I know how to press your buttons the right way *wink*
-- Believe in yourself? : talim
-- Have any tattoos/where? : I have a penis..
-- Have any piercings/where? : I have a prince charles
-- Get motion sickness? : Not from rockin' da boat..
-- Think you're a health freak? : Yes.
-- Get along with your parents? : I have no parents
-- Like thunderstorms? : it's raining men..

[ series 6 - the future ]
-- Age you hope to be married : so 7's too young..
-- Number and Names of Children : Abe | Abraham | Adam | Addison | Adrian | Adrienn | Adym | AJ | Al | Alan-James | Alan | Alex | Alexander | Alexei | Alexy | Aliak | Allan | Allen-Isaac | Allen-Michael | Allen-Ryan | Allen | Amelia | Andre'-Allen | Andre | Andrew-Jonathan | Andrew | Andy | Anil | Anneke | Anthony | Arthur | Ashlon | Austin | Avea | Aveis | Avory | Axel | Bajaza | Barry | Benjamin | Bethany | Bill | Billy-Lee | Billy | Blaine | Blake | Bloeme | Blovis | Bo | Bob | Bowdie | Boyd | Bradley | Brady | Braeden | Braiton | Brence | Brenden | Brentlin | Brett | Brian | Britty | Bronzen | Bruce | Bryan | Bryant | Bubba | Byron | Cafer | Capper | Carl | Casey | Cason | Cavender | Chad | Chardo | Charles | Chase | Chazworth | Chicha | Chisolm | Chris | Christian | Chuck | Chuckie | Chucky | Clair | Clark | Clectus | Cleta | Cliff | Clint | Clyde | Cody | Con | Conrad | Cory | Craig | Cro | Curtis | Damien | Dan | Daniel-Abraham | Daniel-Ryan | Daniel | Danny | Darien | Dave | David-Anthony | David-Brian | David | Dax | Dayequan | Dean | Dehrich | Dele | Dennis | Denton | Derek | Derin | Derius | Deron | Devin | Dewain | Djeffrey | Dombomb | Donald-Albert | Donivan | Dotson | Douglas | Dru | Duell | Duwand | Dylan | E | Ebanee | Ebany | Ebonee | Eboney | Eboni | Ebonie | Ebony | Eddie | Eddiejoe | Edward | Edwin | Eighan | Ejay | Eldaric | Elvis | Emerson | Eric-Joseph | Eric | Erik-Steven | Erik | Ernest | Ersin | Ethan | Eugene | Ezra | Fareed | Flongo | Flora | Formula | Forty | Framen | Frank-Ray | Frank | Franklin | Freak | Fred | Frederick-Ferdinand | Frederick | Fuzzbot | Gabriel | Gage | Galen | Gallexy | Garrett | Gary | Gavin | Gene | George | Germain | Gines | Gordon | Grae | Graham | Grant | Gwyllm | Haliey | Halon | Hank | Harlynn | Harrison | Harro | Haz | Heabie | Helvirt | Holeman | Huckabee | Huckleberry | Humphrey | Ian | Ible | Ilia | Ilya | Ivan | Jace | Jack | Jackson | Jacob-Issac | Jacob | Jaid | Jakeb | James | Jamie | Jamiroquai | Jamyron | Jared | Jarell | Jarreth | Jarrod | Jasen | Jason | Javenne | Javon | Jayce | Jayden | Jeb | Jeff | Jeffery | Jeffrey | Jeirjany | Jerry | Jerth | Jess-Avery | Jesse-Robert | Jesse | Jessica-Anne | Jevon | Jim-Bob | Jim | Jimmy | Jo-E | Joe | Joel | John-Daniel | John-Scott | John | Jon-William | Jon | Jonathan | Jonathon | Jonpaull | Jordan | Jorell | Jose | Joseph-Allen | Joseph-Stephen | Joseph | Josh | Joshua-Scott | Joshua-Tyler | Joshua | Justden | Justen | Justice | Justin | Kayle | Kayleb | Kaywon | Keef | Keegan | Keenan | Kema | Ken | Kevin | Kholby | Khyiere | Kirk | Klete | Knovell | Kobe | Krien | Kristtoffer | Kurt | Kuvo | Ky'Dran | Kydrun | Kyle | Kyzer | Lance | Landon | Larry | LaToya | Lawence | Leady | Lee | Leehy | Levi | Lincoln | Link | London | Londy | Louie | Lourissia | Loyde | Lucas | Lucky | Luke | Lumbia | Luther | Lyle | Madarchod | Madison | Maicle | Malcolm | Marc-Lester | Marc | Marchelle | Marcus | Mark | Marshal | Marshall | Martin | Marwin | Matthew | Maverick | Mavrick | Mayday | Maysen | Meealay | Meechum | Melville | Melvin | Mercy | Merrill | Michael-Dean | Michael | Mike | Mikey | Mikhail | Millennium | Miltz | Mitchell | Moe | Monroe | Murad | Mychal | Nate | Neil-Allen | Neil | Neill | Nelson | Nevon | Nicholas | Nikolai | Nikolaus | Noam | Norbert | Obery | Orson | Owenn | Parker | Patiny | Patrick-Kevin | Patton | Paul | Pedestrio | Perry | Pete | Peter | Phelts | Philip-Alan | Philip | Phillip | Pierrot | Pol | Putrick | Ralph | Rammer | Rangle | Rattana | Raul | Raven | Rayian | Rayme | Raymond | Relyk | Rene | Reno | Richard | Robert-Henry | Robert | Roberts | Rodney | Ronald-Anthony | Ronald | Ronnie | Rouel | Ryan | Safire | Sandy | Saul | Schroeder | Scott | Scotty | Sean | Sebastian | Seen | Seren | ShadowSong | Shane | Sharir | Shaughn | Shaune | Shaunn | Shawn | Shawne | Shawnn | Shawon | Sherman | Simon | Skip | Speedy | Squeedo | Stanley | Stauche | Stephen | Steve | Steven-Randy | Steven | Sven | Tagen | Tan | Taron | Taylor | Teagen | Terek | Terrel | Terry | Teylan | Theatum | Thene | Thimble | Thomas | TicoMan | Tim | Timothy-Jeremiah | Timothy-Joel | Timothy | Tisoy | TJ | Toby | Todd | Tom | Tommy | Tony | Travis | Trey | Trig | Troy | Tunny | Tuscon | Tylas | Tylr | Tyreen-Ray | Tyreen | Uegene | Ulda | Ulysses | Uri | Verrel | Vincent | Wacey | Waldo | Warne | Warren | Washington | Will | William | Wilson | Woodrow | Wyatt | Yamach | Yancy | Yevgeny | Yoshimi | Yvener | Zaccory | Zaquary | Zaskar | Zeldrick | Zicciah | Zon | Zona |
-- Where do you see yourself in five years? : don't say doing your wife, don't say doing your wife, don't say doing your wife, doing your son?
-- Describe your Dream Wedding : right at the drive-thru menu, I ordered fries and a medium *winks*
-- How do you want to die? : The same way I was born..
-- What do you want to be when you grow up? : Jesus.
-- What country would you most like to visit? : Uzbekistan

[ series 7 - opposite sex ]
-- Best eye color? : White
-- Best hair color? : White
-- Short or long hair? : Army cut all the way
-- Best height? : Pocket-size
-- Best weight? : 9 oz.
-- Best articles of clothing?: The sleeves of course..
-- Best first date location? : In my pants..
-- Best first kiss location? : In my pants..
-- What facial feature do you find the most attractive? : Beard

[ series 8 - other ]
-- When's the last time you slept with a stuffed animal? : Your moms my stuffed animal..
-- How many rings until you answer the phone? : 7
-- What's on your mouse pad? : Rat poison
-- How many houses have you lived in? : 1
-- How many schools have you gone to? : 4
-- What color is your bedroom carpet? : Spotted *wink*
-- If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only take one thing (not person) with you what would you take?: Dr. Scholls Gellin Insert
-- What was the best time of your life so far? : When you coming over *wink*

--First grade teacher's name: Abe | Abraham | Adam | Addison | Adrian | Adrienn | Adym | AJ | Al | Alan-James | Alan | Alex | Alexander | Alexei | Alexy | Aliak | Allan | Allen-Isaac | Allen-Michael | Allen-Ryan | Allen | Amelia | Andre'-Allen | Andre | Andrew-Jonathan | Andrew | Andy | Anil | Anneke | Anthony | Arthur | Ashlon | Austin | Avea | Aveis | Avory | Axel | Bajaza | Barry | Benjamin | Bethany | Bill | Billy-Lee | Billy | Blaine | Blake | Bloeme | Blovis | Bo | Bob | Bowdie | Boyd | Bradley | Brady | Braeden | Braiton | Brence | Brenden | Brentlin | Brett | Brian | Britty | Bronzen | Bruce | Bryan | Bryant | Bubba | Byron | Cafer | Capper | Carl | Casey | Cason | Cavender | Chad | Chardo | Charles | Chase | Chazworth | Chicha | Chisolm | Chris | Christian | Chuck | Chuckie | Chucky | Clair | Clark | Clectus | Cleta | Cliff | Clint | Clyde | Cody | Con | Conrad | Cory | Craig | Cro | Curtis | Damien | Dan | Daniel-Abraham | Daniel-Ryan | Daniel | Danny | Darien | Dave | David-Anthony | David-Brian | David | Dax | Dayequan | Dean | Dehrich | Dele | Dennis | Denton | Derek | Derin | Derius | Deron | Devin | Dewain | Djeffrey | Dombomb | Donald-Albert | Donivan | Dotson | Douglas | Dru | Duell | Duwand | Dylan | E | Ebanee | Ebany | Ebonee | Eboney | Eboni | Ebonie | Ebony | Eddie | Eddiejoe | Edward | Edwin | Eighan | Ejay | Eldaric | Elvis | Emerson | Eric-Joseph | Eric | Erik-Steven | Erik | Ernest | Ersin | Ethan | Eugene | Ezra | Fareed | Flongo | Flora | Formula | Forty | Framen | Frank-Ray | Frank | Franklin | Freak | Fred | Frederick-Ferdinand | Frederick | Fuzzbot | Gabriel | Gage | Galen | Gallexy | Garrett | Gary | Gavin | Gene | George | Germain | Gines | Gordon | Grae | Graham | Grant | Gwyllm | Haliey | Halon | Hank | Harlynn | Harrison | Harro | Haz | Heabie | Helvirt | Holeman | Huckabee | Huckleberry | Humphrey | Ian | Ible | Ilia | Ilya | Ivan | Jace | Jack | Jackson | Jacob-Issac | Jacob | Jaid | Jakeb | James | Jamie | Jamiroquai | Jamyron | Jared | Jarell | Jarreth | Jarrod | Jasen | Jason | Javenne | Javon | Jayce | Jayden | Jeb | Jeff | Jeffery | Jeffrey | Jeirjany | Jerry | Jerth | Jess-Avery | Jesse-Robert | Jesse | Jessica-Anne | Jevon | Jim-Bob | Jim | Jimmy | Jo-E | Joe | Joel | John-Daniel | John-Scott | John | Jon-William | Jon | Jonathan | Jonathon | Jonpaull | Jordan | Jorell | Jose | Joseph-Allen | Joseph-Stephen | Joseph | Josh | Joshua-Scott | Joshua-Tyler | Joshua | Justden | Justen | Justice | Justin | Kayle | Kayleb | Kaywon | Keef | Keegan | Keenan | Kema | Ken | Kevin | Kholby | Khyiere | Kirk | Klete | Knovell | Kobe | Krien | Kristtoffer | Kurt | Kuvo | Ky'Dran | Kydrun | Kyle | Kyzer | Lance | Landon | Larry | LaToya | Lawence | Leady | Lee | Leehy | Levi | Lincoln | Link | London | Londy | Louie | Lourissia | Loyde | Lucas | Lucky | Luke | Lumbia | Luther | Lyle | Madarchod | Madison | Maicle | Malcolm | Marc-Lester | Marc | Marchelle | Marcus | Mark | Marshal | Marshall | Martin | Marwin | Matthew | Maverick | Mavrick | Mayday | Maysen | Meealay | Meechum | Melville | Melvin | Mercy | Merrill | Michael-Dean | Michael | Mike | Mikey | Mikhail | Millennium | Miltz | Mitchell | Moe | Monroe | Murad | Mychal | Nate | Neil-Allen | Neil | Neill | Nelson | Nevon | Nicholas | Nikolai | Nikolaus | Noam | Norbert | Obery | Orson | Owenn | Parker | Patiny | Patrick-Kevin | Patton | Paul | Pedestrio | Perry | Pete | Peter | Phelts | Philip-Alan | Philip | Phillip | Pierrot | Pol | Putrick | Ralph | Rammer | Rangle | Rattana | Raul | Raven | Rayian | Rayme | Raymond | Relyk | Rene | Reno | Richard | Robert-Henry | Robert | Roberts | Rodney | Ronald-Anthony | Ronald | Ronnie | Rouel | Ryan | Safire | Sandy | Saul | Schroeder | Scott | Scotty | Sean | Sebastian | Seen | Seren | ShadowSong | Shane | Sharir | Shaughn | Shaune | Shaunn | Shawn | Shawne | Shawnn | Shawon | Sherman | Simon | Skip | Speedy | Squeedo | Stanley | Stauche | Stephen | Steve | Steven-Randy | Steven | Sven | Tagen | Tan | Taron | Taylor | Teagen | Terek | Terrel | Terry | Teylan | Theatum | Thene | Thimble | Thomas | TicoMan | Tim | Timothy-Jeremiah | Timothy-Joel | Timothy | Tisoy | TJ | Toby | Todd | Tom | Tommy | Tony | Travis | Trey | Trig | Troy | Tunny | Tuscon | Tylas | Tylr | Tyreen-Ray | Tyreen | Uegene | Ulda | Ulysses | Uri | Verrel | Vincent | Wacey | Waldo | Warne | Warren | Washington | Will | William | Wilson | Woodrow | Wyatt | Yamach | Yancy | Yevgeny | Yoshimi | Yvener | Zaccory | Zaquary | Zaskar | Zeldrick | Zicciah | Zon | Zona |
--Last word you said: said
--Last song you sang: The cheers theme song

--What's in your cd player?: You mean Joe?
--What colour socks are you wearing? : White, no vanilla..
--What's under your bed? : Dead people
--What time did you wake up at today?: 6

--Where do you want to go? : bed?
--What is your career going to be? : Porn Star, or a waiter at Denny's
--Where are you going to live? : You know that alley between 57th and 63rd *wink*
--How many kids do you want? : Here i'll name them, Abe | Abraham | Adam | Addison | Adrian | Adrienn | Adym | AJ | Al | Alan-James | Alan | Alex | Alexander | Alexei | Alexy | Aliak | Allan | Allen-Isaac | Allen-Michael | Allen-Ryan | Allen | Amelia | Andre'-Allen | Andre | Andrew-Jonathan | Andrew | Andy | Anil | Anneke | Anthony | Arthur | Ashlon | Austin | Avea | Aveis | Avory | Axel | Bajaza | Barry | Benjamin | Bethany | Bill | Billy-Lee | Billy | Blaine | Blake | Bloeme | Blovis | Bo | Bob | Bowdie | Boyd | Bradley | Brady | Braeden | Braiton | Brence | Brenden | Brentlin | Brett | Brian | Britty | Bronzen | Bruce | Bryan | Bryant | Bubba | Byron | Cafer | Capper | Carl | Casey | Cason | Cavender | Chad | Chardo | Charles | Chase | Chazworth | Chicha | Chisolm | Chris | Christian | Chuck | Chuckie | Chucky | Clair | Clark | Clectus | Cleta | Cliff | Clint | Clyde | Cody | Con | Conrad | Cory | Craig | Cro | Curtis | Damien | Dan | Daniel-Abraham | Daniel-Ryan | Daniel | Danny | Darien | Dave | David-Anthony | David-Brian | David | Dax | Dayequan | Dean | Dehrich | Dele | Dennis | Denton | Derek | Derin | Derius | Deron | Devin | Dewain | Djeffrey | Dombomb | Donald-Albert | Donivan | Dotson | Douglas | Dru | Duell | Duwand | Dylan | E | Ebanee | Ebany | Ebonee | Eboney | Eboni | Ebonie | Ebony | Eddie | Eddiejoe | Edward | Edwin | Eighan | Ejay | Eldaric | Elvis | Emerson | Eric-Joseph | Eric | Erik-Steven | Erik | Ernest | Ersin | Ethan | Eugene | Ezra | Fareed | Flongo | Flora | Formula | Forty | Framen | Frank-Ray | Frank | Franklin | Freak | Fred | Frederick-Ferdinand | Frederick | Fuzzbot | Gabriel | Gage | Galen | Gallexy | Garrett | Gary | Gavin | Gene | George | Germain | Gines | Gordon | Grae | Graham | Grant | Gwyllm | Haliey | Halon | Hank | Harlynn | Harrison | Harro | Haz | Heabie | Helvirt | Holeman | Huckabee | Huckleberry | Humphrey | Ian | Ible | Ilia | Ilya | Ivan | Jace | Jack | Jackson | Jacob-Issac | Jacob | Jaid | Jakeb | James | Jamie | Jamiroquai | Jamyron | Jared | Jarell | Jarreth | Jarrod | Jasen | Jason | Javenne | Javon | Jayce | Jayden | Jeb | Jeff | Jeffery | Jeffrey | Jeirjany | Jerry | Jerth | Jess-Avery | Jesse-Robert | Jesse | Jessica-Anne | Jevon | Jim-Bob | Jim | Jimmy | Jo-E | Joe | Joel | John-Daniel | John-Scott | John | Jon-William | Jon | Jonathan | Jonathon | Jonpaull | Jordan | Jorell | Jose | Joseph-Allen | Joseph-Stephen | Joseph | Josh | Joshua-Scott | Joshua-Tyler | Joshua | Justden | Justen | Justice | Justin | Kayle | Kayleb | Kaywon | Keef | Keegan | Keenan | Kema | Ken | Kevin | Kholby | Khyiere | Kirk | Klete | Knovell | Kobe | Krien | Kristtoffer | Kurt | Kuvo | Ky'Dran | Kydrun | Kyle | Kyzer | Lance | Landon | Larry | LaToya | Lawence | Leady | Lee | Leehy | Levi | Lincoln | Link | London | Londy | Louie | Lourissia | Loyde | Lucas | Lucky | Luke | Lumbia | Luther | Lyle | Madarchod | Madison | Maicle | Malcolm | Marc-Lester | Marc | Marchelle | Marcus | Mark | Marshal | Marshall | Martin | Marwin | Matthew | Maverick | Mavrick | Mayday | Maysen | Meealay | Meechum | Melville | Melvin | Mercy | Merrill | Michael-Dean | Michael | Mike | Mikey | Mikhail | Millennium | Miltz | Mitchell | Moe | Monroe | Murad | Mychal | Nate | Neil-Allen | Neil | Neill | Nelson | Nevon | Nicholas | Nikolai | Nikolaus | Noam | Norbert | Obery | Orson | Owenn | Parker | Patiny | Patrick-Kevin | Patton | Paul | Pedestrio | Perry | Pete | Peter | Phelts | Philip-Alan | Philip | Phillip | Pierrot | Pol | Putrick | Ralph | Rammer | Rangle | Rattana | Raul | Raven | Rayian | Rayme | Raymond | Relyk | Rene | Reno | Richard | Robert-Henry | Robert | Roberts | Rodney | Ronald-Anthony | Ronald | Ronnie | Rouel | Ryan | Safire | Sandy | Saul | Schroeder | Scott | Scotty | Sean | Sebastian | Seen | Seren | ShadowSong | Shane | Sharir | Shaughn | Shaune | Shaunn | Shawn | Shawne | Shawnn | Shawon | Sherman | Simon | Skip | Speedy | Squeedo | Stanley | Stauche | Stephen | Steve | Steven-Randy | Steven | Sven | Tagen | Tan | Taron | Taylor | Teagen | Terek | Terrel | Terry | Teylan | Theatum | Thene | Thimble | Thomas | TicoMan | Tim | Timothy-Jeremiah | Timothy-Joel | Timothy | Tisoy | TJ | Toby | Todd | Tom | Tommy | Tony | Travis | Trey | Trig | Troy | Tunny | Tuscon | Tylas | Tylr | Tyreen-Ray | Tyreen | Uegene | Ulda | Ulysses | Uri | Verrel | Vincent | Wacey | Waldo | Warne | Warren | Washington | Will | William | Wilson | Woodrow | Wyatt | Yamach | Yancy | Yevgeny | Yoshimi | Yvener | Zaccory | Zaquary | Zaskar | Zeldrick | Zicciah | Zon | Zona |

--Current mood: Tired
--Current music: Owen's Gay Homosexual Voice
--Current taste: penis
--Current hair: Where ever i didn't shave..
--Current clothes: N/A
--Current annoyance: Not being able to find the Million Dollar Man part on the Family Guy
--Current smell: Oh, Oh thats good..
--Current longing: penis
--Current desktop picture: Puppies
--Current favourite artist: me : Myself
--Current fingernail colour: I lost them in nam'
--Current crush: I'm on the phone with him
--Current hate: The dutch coughaincough
--Current favorite article of clothing: My G-string..
--Last cd that you bought: Fuck the RIAA!!11!!!!11!!1one!1!1!1!!
--Favorite place to be: In my pants..
--Time you wake up in the morning: Whenever the hangover's over
--Do you believe in an afterlife?: I'm back aren't I *wink*
--How tall are you?: 8'9"
--Current favorite word: *wink*
--Favorite book(s): www.gamebattles.com
--Favorite season: Hockey Season w00t!!
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