Jan 26, 2004 21:23
Its a great feeling to know that your getting a nice big paycheck while you still have a good $75 dollars in your room just sitting there because you don't have anything to spend it on. Well I thought the same thing until saturday night. We got home from my hockey game and I try to turn on my monitor and it totally flatlines. It even starts to smell like burning phosporous (sp?). We decide to open it up and nothing seems wrong, so we plug it back into the outlet and try it out and everything goes alright. We hook it back to the computer and it starts to crackle so Brian reaches to turn it off but I slap his hand out of the way and watch my monitor blow out. It was pretty cool, however I still needed a new monitor, so off we went to BestBuy and we purchased a nice big 19" flat screen, .20 dot pitch, with the dynaflat technology. So now i'm broke for another 2 months because I have to give up my paychecks to pay for this thing. But its just so cool!1!1!!1!!!!111!1one!!11!1! Messed around with some photoshop today and started to try out some photo-editing. Did pretty well with it, but nothing too extreme. Got my wings back, w00t!!11!1!!!!1!1one!1!1!!!1 I have spanish tomorrow, and I have satan and hitlers love child as a teacher, so it should be interesting. Well i'm out, study time!!11!1!!!one!!11!1!!!1!