Hi everyone! First and foremost, we want to thank the people who have taken the time to join our community, and to comment on posts. We love making graphics, and we love sharing them with our fellow LJers. We have been particularly busy with real-life duties lately, so we apologize for not keeping this place more active lately. But that's where you guys come in...
Because we have over 500 members now, we want to expand our team of
matineeidols makers! If you are interested in becoming a maker here, please fill out the application below. Comments will be screened. We don't know how many people we're going to accept just yet, but you will have until October 22nd to submit your application.
(ONE) We are looking for makers with talent. We do not require you to have years of experience making graphics, as long as it's clear that you are creative and talented. If you've never posted in a graphics community before, don't worry! We won't hold it against you.
(TWO) We are looking for diversity in style. We don't feel that one particular graphics program or one particular stlye of coloring is superior to others.
(THREE) We do take content into consideration. People who friend
matineeidols are usually interested in the things that pop up in our icons on a regular basis (such as models, fashion editorials, certain television shows and actors, politics, and certain genres of music). That said, we don't require anyone to be Chanel-obsessed, Harry Potter-quoting, Libertines fans who religiously watch Lost and praise Angelina. ;o) Just look through some past entries and remember that we're not too fond of Paris Hilton.
(FOUR) If you are accepted as a maker at
matineeidols, you are still free to post in your other graphics communities. HOWEVER, you cannot post the same batch of icons in other places (unless you are only posting teasers and linking the cut tag back to your original post here). You can also advertise your posts in interest communities and keep them public for a few days before locking them.
(FIVE) If you are accepted as a maker at
matineeidols, you must agree to post at least three times per month. We understand that personal matters are more important than keeping up with LiveJournal communities, and if you are extremely busy or have real-life issues to deal with once in a while, we understand. Just contact us to let us know. If inactivity becomes a habit, however, we can and will use our moderation privileges to remove you as a maker.
LJ communities you maintain:
Graphics communities you maintain/post in:
Please share 10+ examples of icons you have made:
Please share 5+ examples of headers and/or banners you have made:
Is there anything else you want to add?
Comments will be screened. New makers will be announced shortly after the application deadline. Please let your friends know about this post!