Stewie has a bald spot

Dec 06, 2014 11:20

chiefoperator called me over to the couch last night to look at Stewie's belly. There was a bald spot about the size of a nickel mid-belly. I didn't see it when I had him up on Thursday, but it is right where my hand would cover it when I was holding him up, looking at his boy bits, so it could have been there and I missed it. There were some crusty bits around the periphery. So guess who got to see the vet this morning?

No evidence of fungal or bacterial infection. We are going to treat him with Revolution for mites since that is the most common dermatologic issue in piggies, although this doesn't look like a mite infestation to the vet. We are also going to apply a cream twice a day that she says works well in mysterious exotic pet skin maladies.

We got a glorious display of "Talk to the butt because I will NOT look at you." He seems otherwise just fine. Both Pep and Teddy are rather anxious to mingle and "discuss" the goings on now that we're home again, but I'm not ready for that until after I have some coffee and a nosh.


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