BCT hike: Map 3, the C and the first quarter mile of D

May 30, 2014 20:12

Started again at the Sharpners' Pond Road parking area for Boxford State Forest in North Andover, heading back out the road on foot, following the cues. The old RR bed was fine. After that, things got buggy and the trail was flooded at least three places before emerging back onto the road. The re-routing of the trail around the spillover from the compost operation at the Bud Cyr Recycling Center could have been a little clearer and the odor was noticeable. Still, no real problems there other than poison ivy on the trail. Got across Rt. 114 (whee! as much fun as the earlier crossing of Rt. 1) and walked the stone wall to cross wetlands and hiked on to the first trail junction. At that point, I turned off toward Harold Parker Road and made my way back to Rt. 114 and then followed the trail in reverse to Sharpners' Pond Road. I decided to just hike that straight back to the car rather than backtrack through the bugs and floods. The road looks like it could be good for bicycling, and the sandy shoulders made for decent walking.

BCT mileage 2.78 miles. Total mileage probably not quite double that. My feet and heel cords didn't start complaining until just over two hours of hiking, which is a fifteen minute improvement over last time.


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