Cuddles appears to be himself, so it must be Brownie's turn to scare me

Feb 21, 2013 09:33

Cuddles is eating and drinking on his own. We're tapering his handfeeding with Critical Care rather than cut it off abruptly, and that seems to be going alright. He looks very much like himself.

Mr. Brownie, OTOH, was crying and chittering his teeth, so he won a trip to the vet last Wednesday evening where they found bladder sludge, something that could be a bladder stone or not (unclear from xray) AND an extra lower incisor. After a week of extra water, metacam, and shilintong added to his normal regimen, he had dropped weight, was leaking urine and retaining poos, and didn't smell too good. He was not eating as much, either. On his followup visit yesterday, it was decided he is still sludgy but probably does not have a stone, he can keep his extra tooth as long as it isn't bothering him, and he almost certainly has a UTI. (I had said at home that his latest symptoms sounded like what I had read about in sows with UTIs, but I didn't know about boars. Now I know.) So he gets Baytril, too, to fight the infection. The additional water and shilintong should help flush yucky stuff out of there. chiefoperator expects his appetite to crash and then come back eventually, based on previous piggy experiences.

He got the behind the scenes tour of the vet office, with three vets interested in seeing his extra tooth and other parts. We're blessed to have multiple exotics vets available in that one office. I hear there are a lot of places where no cavy-savvy vets are available at all.


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