Well it has been awhile hasn't it? Not much to say really, things are going good here. I guess I am growing up a little. I don't mean this in that deragatory way that so many people think of it. I am not losing my sense of fun or anyting like that I am just starting to give a good serious eye to my future and my present. By doing this I am
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Also, it's great to hear that everything is going so well for you, man. I'll admit, I do a lot of whining/complaining about growing up. It is hard, and it does suck at times, but I do agree with you. At the same time that getting older and changing makes me feel like I'm losing touch with who I was and that everything is slipping away from what I knew and loved, I feel that I am growing into who I am supposed to be. Yes, I did have a GREAT time as a young and stupid stupid man. Yes, I did have a whole hellava lot of good times doing things that were either stupid, reckless, dangerous or some combination. Yes, we all have to go on with our lives and we can't stay young and dumb and unattached forever. BUT...I'm glad in a way that all of that is over.
I love my life. I love being married; my wife is wonderful! I have two (Oh my God can you believe that I have TWO kids!) awesome boys and being a daddy is the best thing I have ever done. I have a nice home and a decent job and am getting very close to being done with school and will FINALLY have something real to do. I am incredibly happy. Do I miss some of the things that I have lost and can't go back to, either from my current situation and the necessity of growing up (such as not doing mushrooms or some such thing because I'm a husband and father and need to be good) or because I am now not a drinker: yes, in a way I do. But, even though I had/we had some AWESOME times, I'm glad that I/We have moved on. I can look back in nostalgia and smile and be glad about what we did, in a way. But it is nice to go on.
As far as the "being a guy" things, I agree wholeheartedly. I LOVE the feeling after I do some task; Lindsay laughs at me because I'll strut around the house all proud of myself. But it is a big deal, even when it realy isn't. I, a guy who has no training or real experience in doing anything technical, put in a phone line for the garage. I put in insulation. I built, with help from Steve, Davin and beer, a storage shed. Now, none of these tasks are extraordinary, but they are enough to make me feel accomplished. The same thing with my garden; I have had a WONDERFUL crop of tomatoes. I have had people who have raised tomatoes for years tell me that mine are beautiful and great plants. Now, in the long run, what does it matter that I can grow some good tomatoes? Not a damn thing! But, I love it! I think that even though it does seem that these "stereotypical" things are silly or unimportant, if they make you happy, then great! Now, if you get to the point of going to a game half-naked painted blue and screaming 5 hours beofre the game to the tailgate party and then to the game and then after the game and you spend 12 hours on a Saturday yelling, drunk and blue to watch a team play a game, well then you've bit a little too hard onto the stereotype. Personally, I love boxing, UFC and football, but I'm not going to act like a "sports guy" about any of them. Oh well.
I too would like to see Cutler upset Ronnie. Also, I'd like to see Bob Chichillo (?) and Darrem Charles do something too. Hurray for muscle sports! Also, hurray for my two sons.
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