Jun 01, 2006 12:40
Well, it has been awhile since I last posted. Yep. things are going good here. Our lease runs out at Chez Lando July 1st but Eel and I are going to resign and Rhiannon is going to occupy the spot that will be left when Michael leaves. That is cool because this means I don't have to pay a deposit, I don't have to move my shit, the house will have an actual living room since Eel and Rhiannon will be able to move in to Michaels old room, and we all have the big advantage of already knowing how to budget for this place. It should be fun to make some of the repairs and changes to the place over the next year provided Susan(our land lady) gives us the go ahead to do some rewallpapering and such.
Heh, a friend asked me a couple days ago if I was still working out because I wasn't posting in LJ anymore. Well, the answer is yes I am and things are going good. I have switched over to a completely free weight regimen aside from my Squats which I do on the Smith Machine. All in all the switch has been nice. My gains are coming quick now, I manage to add weight to most of my excercises each workout or at least each week and I am looking a little bit more defined since I have started the free weights. I also get an insane pump which is nice.
I also have set a new goal for myself. I don't think I have mentioned this in LJ before now. By the time I am 25 I want to compete in an amateur body building contest. I don't need to win or even place but I want to feel confident enough about my conditioning to compete. I have a long way to go but I will do it. When I started this whole working out thing I had no idea that I would just become engrossed in it. Now, I would love to compete. I want that to be a part of my life. It is so strange to me to think of myself as a body builder even though I know that is what I am in that area of my life. I am not just a guy who goes to the gym to get in better shape anymore. Gym going is healthy, bodybuilding is a way of life hehe. Neither is better than the other, just different. By no means am I looking down on anyone who goes to the gym just to get fit and feel better about themselves. That's awesome, it isn't everyones goal to compete and that is cool. It wasn't my goal to compete when I started. I have just gotten to love it so much that it affects everypart of my life now. So yeah, by the time I am 25.
I have been doing a lot more reading and research into bodybuilding and excersing in general. It fascinates me, the way the body works in that aspect. I pick up Flex and Muscular Development each month and I am subscribed to Muscle & Fitness. On top of those I picked up The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding by Arnold(Yes, the Governator), and a very well written and interesting book my Dave Draper. I am looking into getting a couple books on Nutrition by Chris Aceto but haven't been able to find them. eventually, probably around 25, I will probably take the ISSA certificatin exam which gives you personal training credentials and stuff.
Man, there I go again. Some of you were probably like "Yes! He isn't posting so space on my friends page isn't being taken up by long posts about weights." And what do I do when I come back? I make a post mostly about that stuff as usual. So moving on I guess ^__^;
Roleplaying is good. We have started a game of Exalted Second Edition at the shop. I am enjoying it although the new system is taking some getting used to. Since I have Fridays off as well I would like to start playing again then, at least during the summer. But that is optional.
My work life is going good as well, got promoted to Assistant Manager and got a pay increase and such. Cool stuff. I saw a sign for Volunteer Fire Fighters at the Glen Carbon station, I am thinking about stopping in to ask about that. If I could do that around my work schedule it could be cool but I don't know how that business works. Anyway, I am going to cut this off for now.