Conversacion Con Hannah

Jan 27, 2007 02:58

Por AIM volvi a hablar con Hannah, mi amiga de Myspace que vive a 20 minutos de Hollywood. Aca pequeños Fragmentos (no pude dejar la conversacion porque era muy larga)

matihatthedisco (1:17:12): i have seen edward scissorhands i love that movie

hannahfiore0258 (1:17:17): haha i like that movie!!

hannahfiore0258 (1:17:19): its good

hannahfiore0258 (1:17:19): lol

matihatthedisco (1:17:50): jaja i love johnny depp. he is one of the best actors. and one of my favourites. i love tom hanks too

hannahfiore0258 (1:17:58): haha yeah

hannahfiore0258 (1:18:01): they are good!

hannahfiore0258 (1:18:02): =D

matihatthedisco (1:18:10): : D

hannahfiore0258 (1:19:01): want to see some pictures of hollywood?

hannahfiore0258 (1:19:05): i just went haha

matihatthedisco (1:19:12): ohh yesssssss

hannahfiore0258 (1:19:10): like 2 days ago

hannahfiore0258 (1:19:13): ok ill show you some

hannahfiore0258 (1:19:21): hold on like 3mins

matihatthedisco (1:19:56): ok i will

hannahfiore0258 (1:22:31): ok

hannahfiore0258 (1:22:35): here are a few pictures

hannahfiore0258 (1:22:38):

hannahfiore0258 (1:22:55):

hannahfiore0258 (1:23:19):

hannahfiore0258 (1:23:52):

hannahfiore0258 (1:24:16):

matihatthedisco (1:24:37):  the pics really rock

matihatthedisco (1:24:41): i'd love to go to holliwood

matihatthedisco (1:25:30): did you see someone famous?

hannahfiore0258 (1:25:29): haha

hannahfiore0258 (1:25:29): yeah

hannahfiore0258 (1:25:32): they are around

hannahfiore0258 (1:25:35): but we dont really care

hannahfiore0258 (1:25:43): they are just like normal people

hannahfiore0258 (1:25:49): so we dont even really look at them

hannahfiore0258 (1:25:52): i see them all the time

hannahfiore0258 (1:25:53): haha

matihatthedisco (1:26:16): WTF

matihatthedisco (1:26:19): XD

matihatthedisco (1:26:24): i'd love to see someone famous

matihatthedisco (1:27:00): emma thompson came to my city. and then she made trelawnie in harry potter and i was SHE WAS ON MY CITY!! but i didn't meet her. antonio banderas also came.


hannahfiore0258 (1:29:05): haha

hannahfiore0258 (1:29:10): i have more pictures

hannahfiore0258 (1:29:13): want to see them?

matihatthedisco (1:29:29): yes !!

matihatthedisco (1:29:43): and what famous people did you see? have you seen johnny depp? x]

hannahfiore0258 (1:29:48): yes

hannahfiore0258 (1:29:50): i have

hannahfiore0258 (1:29:54): he is really ugly in person

hannahfiore0258 (1:29:55): haha

hannahfiore0258 (1:30:00): i have seen a lot of poeple

hannahfiore0258 (1:30:33): but i dont really care. famous people are everywhere here. and they are really mean. so if you go up to them. they will not talk to you

matihatthedisco (1:31:19): oh

matihatthedisco (1:31:40): if i see johnny depp i would shout. i like him very much. as much as tom hanks. have you seen him?

hannahfiore0258 (1:31:48): nope

hannahfiore0258 (1:31:50): i have not

hannahfiore0258 (1:31:51): haha

matihatthedisco (1:32:32): hahaha and... have you seen angelina jolie? x]

hannahfiore0258 (1:32:58): yepp

matihatthedisco (1:33:27): ohh

hannahfiore0258 (1:33:35): yeahh

matihatthedisco (1:33:46): hahaha you are so lucky

hannahfiore0258 (1:33:47): haha

hannahfiore0258 (1:33:47): nah

hannahfiore0258 (1:33:50): not really lol

matihatthedisco (1:34:37): hahaha and have you seen walking down the street famous musicians of famous bands? x]

hannahfiore0258 (1:34:51): yeah

hannahfiore0258 (1:34:54): a lot

hannahfiore0258 (1:34:56): haha

hannahfiore0258 (1:35:06): in hollywood and LA there are so many concert

hannahfiore0258 (1:35:11): they are like everywhere!!!

hannahfiore0258 (1:35:12): hahah

matihatthedisco (1:35:50): hahaha have you seen jared leto?

matihatthedisco (1:35:57): they are starting to be famous here.

hannahfiore0258 (1:36:04): yeah

hannahfiore0258 (1:36:07): i have

matihatthedisco (1:36:28): pete wentz? i mean.... have you seen him walking in the streets?

hannahfiore0258 (1:36:53): no

hannahfiore0258 (1:36:54): not him

matihatthedisco (1:37:18): ah ... brendon from panic?

hannahfiore0258 (1:37:18): mhmm

matihatthedisco (1:40:59): i have to ask you something. if you see johnny depp sometime. ask him to sign an autograph to me and then you take a pic to it and you send me it. hahaha am i asking too much? x]

hannahfiore0258 (1:41:28): hahah

hannahfiore0258 (1:41:29): nah

hannahfiore0258 (1:41:31): i will do that

hannahfiore0258 (1:41:32): haha

matihatthedisco (1:42:01): hahaha i would love youuu

matihatthedisco (1:42:18): if you can ask him to sign one to mery my best friend

matihatthedisco (1:42:20): x]

hannahfiore0258 (1:42:40): haha yeah. i will do that!! =D

matihatthedisco (1:43:05): haha we will love you. i already like you x]

hannahfiore0258 (1:43:15): hahah

hannahfiore0258 (1:47:42): haha geez its cold out today!

hannahfiore0258 (1:47:43): haha

matihatthedisco (1:48:05): haha it rained today here. but it was really hot. i dont like summer x]

hannahfiore0258 (1:48:22): its summer!?

matihatthedisco (1:49:19): yeah. here it's summer.

hannahfiore0258 (1:49:27): oh

hannahfiore0258 (1:49:27): haha

hannahfiore0258 (1:49:30): its winter here

matihatthedisco (1:49:52): haha. i love winter.

matihatthedisco (1:49:56): are you not going to school?

hannahfiore0258 (1:49:58): me too lol

hannahfiore0258 (1:50:08): and yeah im going to school

matihatthedisco (1:50:54): ahh but you are sick. do you go anyway? i wouldn't go. and when i have flu... i am really bad.

hannahfiore0258 (1:51:03): well yeah

hannahfiore0258 (1:51:05): i have to go

hannahfiore0258 (1:51:08): we have finals

hannahfiore0258 (1:51:12): and so i have to go

hannahfiore0258 (1:51:12): =[

matihatthedisco (1:52:19): ahh! yes. i haven't had finals never. this year i will

hannahfiore0258 (1:52:24): ohh

hannahfiore0258 (1:52:25): haha

hannahfiore0258 (1:52:29): i hate finalss!!!

matihatthedisco (1:53:00): haha i guess they suck

hannahfiore0258 (1:53:09): haha yeah

hannahfiore0258 (1:53:11): i dont like themmm

hannahfiore0258 (1:53:12): haha

matihatthedisco (1:53:41): haha. we are on holiday now. but next month we start again

hannahfiore0258 (1:53:46): oh no!

hannahfiore0258 (1:53:47): =[

hannahfiore0258 (1:53:48): hah


matihatthedisco (2:07:12): and you didn't told me if you saw once brendon urie in streets x] did you?

hannahfiore0258 (2:07:40): hahah well i saw him before he was doing a show. he was just getting out of his tour bus

hannahfiore0258 (2:07:44): it was not to long ago

hannahfiore0258 (2:07:45): hah

matihatthedisco (2:08:16): ahh haha. did you see panic in the new tour ? cause now they play other covers

hannahfiore0258 (2:08:24): yeah i did

hannahfiore0258 (2:08:38): i have seen them like 3 times

hannahfiore0258 (2:08:39): haha

matihatthedisco (2:11:15): oh. mery is obsessed with panic. i guess she would die if she sees brendon xD

matihatthedisco (2:11:30): and now they are becoming famous here. lying is the most fun...... is now on the top 10

hannahfiore0258 (2:12:27): oh haha

matihatthedisco (2:14:02): 30 seconds to mars and fall out boy are also becoming famous.

matihatthedisco (2:14:09): i hope they come this or next year.

hannahfiore0258 (2:14:14): haha

hannahfiore0258 (2:14:19): they are both really good1

matihatthedisco (2:15:13): yess

hannahfiore0258 (2:17:23): hah

hannahfiore0258 (2:17:25): yeah

hannahfiore0258 (2:17:33): they are also very good live!

hannahfiore0258 (2:17:34): haha

matihatthedisco (2:17:53): haha wow. i'd love to see fallout boy live.

hannahfiore0258 (2:18:15): they are gooddd

matihatthedisco (2:20:32): i will put this conversation in my journal

matihatthedisco (2:21:07): xD

hannahfiore0258 (2:21:10): hahah i just uploaded more pictures of hollywood. want to see them?

matihatthedisco (2:21:56): yess!

hannahfiore0258 (2:21:59): ok lol

matihatthedisco (2:22:25): x]

hannahfiore0258 (2:23:01):

hannahfiore0258 (2:23:09):

hannahfiore0258 (2:23:14):

hannahfiore0258 (2:23:20):

hannahfiore0258 (2:23:37):

hannahfiore0258 (2:23:43):

hannahfiore0258 (2:23:48):

hannahfiore0258 (2:24:30):

matihatthedisco (2:24:40): why did you photographed the door that said NO TRESPPASING? x]

hannahfiore0258 (2:24:44): hahha

hannahfiore0258 (2:25:28): cause it was an illegal strip club. like the panic at the disco music video

hannahfiore0258 (2:25:29): lol

matihatthedisco (2:25:56): ahhh! hahahaha

hannahfiore0258 (2:25:59): yeah!!

hannahfiore0258 (2:26:01): lol

hannahfiore0258 (2:26:41): i thought it was funny

hannahfiore0258 (2:26:42): hahah

matihatthedisco (2:27:00): and one of the first pics you sent me was a grafitty...

hannahfiore0258 (2:27:35): yeah there is a lot of that here

matihatthedisco (2:27:47): ahh!

hannahfiore0258 (2:27:48): yeah

hannahfiore0258 (2:27:51): i think its cool though

hannahfiore0258 (2:27:55): i want to learn how to do that

hannahfiore0258 (2:27:56): haha

matihatthedisco (2:28:10): hahaha

hannahfiore0258 (2:28:37): hah yeah. i want to take a class for it

hannahfiore0258 (2:28:37): lol

matihatthedisco (2:29:13): ahaha i guess it's hard...,

matihatthedisco (2:29:14): well

matihatthedisco (2:29:16): i have to go

hannahfiore0258 (2:29:15): oh

hannahfiore0258 (2:29:17): ok

matihatthedisco (2:29:22): it's 2:30 am here

hannahfiore0258 (2:29:24): omg go to sleep!

hannahfiore0258 (2:29:25): hahah

hannahfiore0258 (2:29:36): have a good night

hannahfiore0258 (2:29:38): sleep well!!

bye bye<3

matihatthedisco (2:29:56): byee !

matihatthedisco (2:30:22): then see the conv in it's all in spanish. but you maybe wanna see x]+

matihatthedisco (2:30:25): byeee xox

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