Mar 31, 2004 08:34
So, my dog Celti woke me up at 6:15 this morning (1 hour and 15 minutes before I had to get up anyway, ugh) because she needed to go out. After I brought her back in, I laid back down to get that extra hour of sleep that I so desperately needed, and ended up in that half awake, half asleep dream world. This time it wasn't *so* strange, but here it goes: I was riding with Scott to meet his family somewhere. Celti was with us, and when we got there, we parked and got out to find his mom, dad and Kevin waiting for us, along with Seana and Dayna. I think there may have been other people too (maybe his cousins, Brian and Danny?). We started walking...I feel like we were going to a park or a zoo or something, and Scott hands me his leather jacket. It is really warm outside; we're all in shorts, so I asked him "what are you handing me this for? Go put it back in the car." Then I proceeded to hand him the backpack I was carrying for no apparent reason for him to put in the car too. Then one of my bunnies made a loud noise and woke me up, so that's really all there is. According to my boss, I need therapy because of my dreams. I don't think this one qualifies.
I did a little laundry, and got to play with my bunnies last night, but I neither read nor did homework, so I have to do that tonight. I had a pretty good workout at the gym, but need to find a better way to work abs and biceps...and without entering the "land of testosterone" that is the weight room. (I work out in the machine room). I'm going again tonight, and if it isn't raining on Friday, I'm going to go running with Celti. If it is raining, I'll be back in the gym.
Here's a list of things I want/need to do this summer:
Find a barn to ride/teach at in the area
See Bill Cosby June 9 with Sarah and Scott
Visit Christie in VA Beach at least once
Have lots of cookouts and parties :)
Visit Will and Kelli in Richmond at the river
Spend lots of time with Chas, planning her wedding and just hanging out
Start taking Yoga with Scott
Be able to look good in a *2 piece* swim suit
See BB King with Scott in August
Go to NC with Scott, Sarah, Rob, my family and their friends, and hopefully Sarah's bf Matt
There's probably lots that I've forgotten, but I'm starting to feel overwhelmed already! Fortunately it is all fun stuff :)