Ganked from
bychoice. :)
Open up your music management software and fill out this survey, no matter how embarrassing the responses might be.
How many songs total: 4203
How many hours or days of music: 11,7 days
Most recently played: The Doors - Take It As It Comes
Most played: !!! - Take Ecstasy With Me
Most recently added: Megadeth - Ashes In Your Mouth
Sort by song title
First song: Dynamite Deluxe - Ab und Zu
Last song: Raunchy - 9-5
Sort by time
Shortest song: Marilyn Manson - Bonus Track (0:04)
Longest song: Arvo Pärt - Miserere (34:45)
Sort by album
First album: And Oceans - A.M. G.O.D.: Allotropic/Metamorphic Genesis of Dismorphism
Last album: !!! - !!!
First song that comes up on shuffle: Holly Golightly - Waiting Room
Search the following and state how many songs come up
Death: 64
Life: 95
Love: 159
Hate: 24
You: 313
Sex: 3