Dreamwidth Is Gonna Be Cool

Mar 25, 2009 14:41

You mostly probably know that there's an LJ code-fork called Dreamwidth that's gonna be open for beta soon.

I'm not articulate and good at writing about why it's cool, but just trust me this looks like the coolest thing since LJ itself started. I'll be jumping ship as soon as it opens, and I hope lots of you will be coming soon too. To read lots of others' descriptions of why it's cool and why you want to be there, check out the list of "Why Dreamwidth?" posts on their Wiki.

Yeah, a wiki. That's only one of the reasons they're cool too! I'll still keep this account for reading locked posts here, but all the unlocked posts - like fic communities - will be easy to read on DW just by making a syndicated account apparently. So I don't think I'll miss anything. And hey, somebody's gotta be in the "early adopter" bunch!

I know moving journal systems is a bitch, and I've never even bothered to make an account on InsaneJournal or any of the other LJ clones. But DW isn't an LJ clone, it's like "LJ the way we wish it was" and they're fandom friendly but not just for fandom. I'm convinced it's gonna be worth it.

This is good, guys. I hope you'll come too!



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