Back when our friend
amethyst_dancer used to live at Sound Beach, we traveled to Long Island fairly regularly. I haven't been back since she moved to upstate New York, though
frostmuffin still visited on errands for
tempestborne. In December, Tempestborne bought a house. He closed out his storage locker in Maryland and moved the items into his house. Not everything fit in one vanload. He left the excess with us.
So this weekend, Tempestborne invited us to see his new home. Frostmuffin, Megami, and I hauled his stuff up to him, too. We left Sunday morning. It was odd seeing the once-familiar highways again.
It is a small house, and the price for Long Island properly is astounding. Fortunately, it has a furnished basement to double its living space. We stayed overnight there. Tempestborne did not want our dogs upstairs , because he wants allergic friends to be able to visit too, but the basement is as nice as the upstairs. (Kerowyn is too aggressive a puppy to leave at home under a neighbor's care.)
We also played the Serenity role-playing game. Tempestborne is the GM for the game, but he wanted to play instead of direct, so I took over for a few hours. He derailed my plan by having his clever character stop the bad guys' crime too early, but I never run a tight plotline anyway, so I continued to see how his character handled the aftermath. He enjoyed himself.
We returned this afternoon, so that Frostmuffin could get to her evening class, and Megami could finish her work of preparing for Katsucon.