Jul 20, 2007 19:05
Well, I am really responding well to physical therapy. I am now bandaging both legs. The left to the mid-thigh and the right to the knee. It is kind of weird having them not match, but I now have matching shoes, or hospital boots... I had an insect bite on the back of my right leg that got infected and abscessed. We (my therapist and myself) caught it early, as we noticed it last week and watched it. I was putting Neosporin on it late last week. This Monday it was puffy - Tuesday didn't look much better so I called the doctor, made an appointment to see them on Wednesday. Wednesday it was red and warm to the touch. The doctor took a culture and put me on a heavy duty antibiotic. I was told to call back today if there wasn't any improvement. There wasn't, so my doctor's office got a surgeon to do a lancing in their office this afternoon (the alternative was the ER, which I really didn't want to do). I rushed from the eastern side of Springfield to Farmington in less than an hour, along with a quick stop to the gas station to put a couple of gallons in as my gas gage was in E when I got into my car. The surgeon took me in quickly, looked at the bite and had a room set up for the procedure. I was out of there in hour. It is still numb from the local anesthesia. I am all ready with my vicodin in case it starts to hurt. I am just glad that it was small and I was able to come home.
Anyway - I blame this on my friend Nicole. Every time she has a party at her house something happens to me. It started last year with the boys birthday party. I had a sprained ankle and knee. Then she had her first Mary Kay party in October - the same weekend I was first hospitalized. She was having something the second time I was hospitalized - I just can't remember what. Then it was the boys' birthday again - I had my knee packed with tons of stuff. She is having a Pampered Chef party tomorrow night. See the correlation of her having a party and me being injured? Don't you think that she should stop having parties, just for her best friend's health sake?