Two points about how I feel

Oct 04, 2006 21:00

1.Gay rights--as posted by many others.

"Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?" -- Ernest Gaines

We would like to know who really believes in gay rights on livejournal. There is no bribe of a miracle or anything like that. If you truly believe in gay rights, then repost this and title the post as "Gay Rights". If you don't believe in gay rights, then just ignore this. Thanks.

2.In case anyone hasn't heard, in the last two weeks, students at schools in Colorado, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania have been shot, as well as Harding Highschool going into lockdown mode yesterday. This just makes me wonder what the *@#$ is wrong with people? I mean, two of these incidents actually involved adults shooting school age children, and the Pennsylvania shooting was in and Amish school house. What the *@#$ could posses someone to shoot Amish children.

Anyway, it just makes one wonder about society's corruptions.
People feel so threatened by what might happen, that they feel the need to own assault rifles.

And despite the fact that violence is such a huge problem in our society, we're concerned with stopping people from being able to express their love by spending thier lives together (till death do they part) just because they're the same sex? I mean what the *@#$?!?!?!

Anyway, that's my rant for today.
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