Mar 06, 2012 00:50
Yes, no.
Yes, technology has benefited the world greatly in many ways. It still baffles me that I can communicate with a dude sitting in Australia, a chick in Iran and a dudick in Norway, all before lunch.
No, it hasn't made it worse. Humans make the world worse. Technology simply gives us more ways to be assholes to more people, also all before lunch.
I can learn about new cultures, see new places, hear new music, see new faces, talk with strangers, talk with friends, make new enemies, lose hope and regain it, die from cuteness (darn you puppy videos!! *shakes fist*), faint from dumbness, cry of laughter, tear up in anger, learn some new dance moves, find new recipes, stalk old classmates, get addicted to new cartoons and play weird games, get friends from all over the globe, send a quick mail to my mom and then go take a nap. ALL BEFORE LUNCH YEAHH.
...... yeh.
And now for something completely different:
*(Lulz me fail big time. I meant Mitt Romney, not Ron Paul. I suck donkeybutt I guess.)
YouTube, I love you and all but please stop recommending Mittens Fucking Romney videos for me, okay? I only watched one or two damn videos to get a grip what the old fart stands for, I've NOT become a rabid Republican cheerleader. Please, stop. I want Obama to win, okay? Let me dream just for a wee moment that he will, okay? Thank you.
+ I don't want to hug Ron Paul either, but he's better than the others. Rick Satanrum shouldn't even be mentioned. Fuck.
Aaaanyway, I'm gonna listen to some Skrillex now. Because apparently that's not real music to some people, and I want to just sit in my comfy chair with a nice cup of tea, tap my feet to the beat and laugh at the stupid little cunts and cocks that keeps arguing about music. Ah, you silly humans, you are truly the smelling little piece of shit that stains the otherwise beautiful mosaic of life <3
Did I sound passive aggressive enough? :D Ok, maybe not so much passive as aggressive, but it's a difficult art to master!! Damn you all :'(
*Edited on the Angry Fisting Day. All hail the clenching fist as it goes up your anus, huzzah huzzah!
writer's block