I feel a lot like Christian today.

Nov 23, 2009 11:05

Substantial enough to be its own sentence. No verb needed, no conjunction, nothing. One word. Denmark.
I've been here four and a half months. Time really flies, doesn't it? I've been keeping a diary, but that's more for, what say I, personal things, like bitching and etc. This here is for deep thoughts. Good thoughts. Thoughts I should remember.
Leaving home changes you. You rapidly adapt, trying to fit in to the brave new world you've subjected yourself to. Of course, I refer to walking out your front door every morning. With a world as big and confusing as ours, there's no way you can stay the same person all day long. It's just too hard. And what's it worth? "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds", no? Why can't you play devil's advocate to yourself?
Even changing moods changes what kind of person you are- I do recall certain friends of mine when, in a dårligt mood, they'd be extremely for the death penalty, as well as horribly against immigration. Once their moods lightened, they felt completely differently- What if he was innocent? I love new people!
See what I mean? And people get angry. They become livid. And who wouldn't? In essence, this argument accuses each and every person you meet of hypocrisy. Something my father told me, I kind of like this idea. "I have an opinion, until I get a new one."
It's your opinion, who's stopping you from changing it? For the most part, that's like telling a chameleon he has to stay one colour- he only wants to fit in guys, come on. This leads me to point two, people who change to fit in. As hard as it may be for some (many) of us to understand, some people simply have different priorities than others, and sometimes it's high on their list to be accepted and loved than it is for them to be individual. And what can we do? Let them be who they want. When was the last time you turned down Jehovah's Witnesses? This is the same thing. You don't want people preaching at you to "be different" and "join their cult", that's exactly what it sounds like to the kid who wants to fit in. Every party doing the preaching thinks they're trying to do the subject a favour, but in the end, they're really not. My advice? Just because someone's your friend, doesn't mean you want to live with them. Accept them for their lifestyle choices, whether or not you really like it, but you don't need to be best friends with them. You don't need to keep them around.
Of course, I say this if it's someone you know and love choosing a new lifestyle. If it's someone you just met, don't worry about them. Don't get involved.
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