May 01, 2009 00:13
I had an uplifting day today. It was late and I was tired, crashing on sugar low as all hypoglycemics do, and I did what anyone who's crashing does- I called a friend.
So my friend brings me a box of Cheerios for me to snack on- lifesaver! Then, then the woman running sounds just hands me her leftover KFC from twenty minutes prior, saying, here, don't go hungry.
People've just been so nice to me all day!
Then! I walk the three and a half mile trek home in the dark/rain-ish, and I swing by Taco Bell. I have only one dollar, and am asked if I would like a drink. When I decline, she hands me the cup anyways and says, "On me."
And I felt so good! It's little things like these that make people so happy. That cup at Taco Bell was the settling point. She was so nice!
That's all it takes, one little act of kindness here or there. And look at the results.
Now go away, I need sleep.