
Nov 25, 2008 08:25

Yesterday was a pretty busy day, so today is my day to get caught up on household chores. Karen and Christopher should be coming up to visit. I'm putting Christopher to work so he can earn the rest of the money for the x-box 360 he's been saving up to buy. I've got some bulbs that need to be planted for next spring and I'm going to teach him a little bit of carpentry by having him help out with the composting bin I'm building for the backyard. I probably won't let him try out the saw unless Karen and I think he has the proper respect for it, but he can learn about measuring and hammering. I also have a pile of less interesting household chores that I'll be doing.

Yesterday was Tom's grandmother's 89th birthday, so we spent the afternoon with her. Things did not exactly go according to plan, but it was still a nice day. We ended up having dinner with Steven in Fayetteville on our way back home. The boys got to compare notes on Fall Out 3 and Steven and I had a nice debate on modern media versus books as educational tools among other things.

Also of note from yesterday, Tom was invited to the closed beta for Sony's PS3 home. We spent a bit of time in the morning exploring that environment. They still have some work to do, but overall I like the feel of it. It's going to be interesting seeing how much they're able to capitalize on the advertising potential of the environment and if they manage to do it while maintaining the quality of the atmosphere.
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