So I haven't posted an update in... about 3 weeks. What's been up since then? Since I do bitch and moan on here alot this will be a pleasent change. I Met someone. She's smart, attractive, fun, and we just seem to click. We've been seeing eachother a couple weeks now and we've decided we are official. So I have a girlfriend. I'm excited to see her tomorrow.
I had my birthday. I've been on this Earth 3 solid decades. Thank you for everyone involved in my little gathering. I now get to complain about how much better things were in my day. Having to go to the Library to research something. Not worrying about getting knifed in grade school. 14 year olds weren't having sex, least not with me when I was 14. You had to remember people's phone numbers and if they weren't home you had to track them down. TV was better even though there were a fraction of the channels. The sky was bluer and the grass greener. Little whipper-snappers now aday don't appreciate none of this fancy technobabble.
Now the title of this post. I was told I bragged about sex on here a lot. I count one post that I mentioned sex, so I don't think that's a lot. I like to think I'm a modest person and don't brag much ever. That and often when people brag about their sex lives it overcompensating for a lack of one. I unfortunately until late have not had much of a sex life. April people, I have been without sweet lovin since April. Solo lovin is not sweet, so all I have had is bitter lonely lovin.
Now some silliness. Things I want to experience:
- Sex. it's been a while.
- Mace. Yes painful eye burning mace.
- Tazer. Not the kind that kill though.
- To pee while sky diving.
- Some gymnastic ability, like jumping over stuff without breaking things.
- To Finish a video game before my roommate.
- Be walked in on during sex and not miss a beat.
- Telling jokes where people are shocked but still laugh.
- To vomit with an erection.
- To be lusted after by a celelbrity.
- Being hit on by a couple. I'm not taking them up on it but it feels good
Things I can do without again:
- urethral swabs. not fun.
- Telling a joke where nobody laughs.
- public speaking.
- Magic brownies. Short term memory shredding.
- Having my appearance analyzed by someone I wouldn't touch with a 10 ft. pole.
- Grey hair.
- Pimples.
- Roommate sex keeping me up at night.
There's my little post for the last while. Have a good night all.