Mar 31, 2004 09:18
Right, so lots of stuff happened since the beginning of this semester.
Quantum 2 became a crashing disaster; I pass/failed it, and I need to work to pass the next 2 exams. Soul is making me write papers a lot now, so, that's a pain, but I had a B or B+ before I got a 95 on the second paper. Geometry is on the rise, I got my project done on the spot when I had nothing prepared by going over a novel way to avoid doing a double integral in the previous HW. English is a blast in class, but the papers suck because I put them off way too long and for no other reason. JUST buckle down and do them first. It's gotta be better than staying up all night and getting NOTHING done because I'm websurfing, chatting with Matt, and being addicted to some laser/target game with mirrors and shit. I got up to puzzle 18/25 before quitting this morning. I can pick right up at that one by using the password. Right, so Geo., Eng, Soul, Quant2, Music. Music is cake, I have an A, I hope I don't fuck up anything major. I have some bonus credit to augment my grade, but hopefully any minor screw ups won't diminish my grade.
So, on the video game front, I put down FFT, played around on the GBA emulator a bit, with Shining Soul 2, Metroid: Zero Mission, and a few others, then came FF8 for a bit, mostly right before Galbadia on disk 1, but i did a bunch of cool stuff before that, like whoring out the XP system, getting lots of AP, getting lots of cards, maxing out med/high magics, stuff like that. So, after a bit of that, i realized I was falling asleep while playing, and then i dragged out Castlevania: SotN, which still rocks. I have my demon minion up to level 10, and all the other times I barely used him. But the game's getting to the point of tedium almost. Gotta backtrack enough to get Mist and Bat, so I can be all nifty like that. In addition to my wanting to do that, I also realized I should start the game ALL over again, and not get hit and not use the triangle attack while being Richter at the beginning. Supposedly it makes you have awesome stats while Alucard. And here I liked seeing Maria revive me. Aside from that, I want to finish this game, just beat it and get a clear file, and then maybe start the game again, and do LUCK mode or something. I've gotten an improved respect for SOUL STEAL. Try it with an INT of 5, and you think it sucks. Try it with an INT of like 20, and it kills off a bad guy that gives you 20% of the XP you need to level up. Firebrand is cool as always; HaDOOOO-ken = booom.
Yep, so now it's 9:08AM on Wednesday, AKA Hellday. That's right, I have Geometry 10-11, working on paper and music work 11-1, music 1-2, work on paper and soul 2-3:30, soul 3:30-5, *mad* dash to finish paper and maybe get dinner 5-7, english 7-9:30, and maybe if I've got energy left, I'll do some R-ball for once. But then again, I might just collapse. But right now, I'm all squeaky clean out of the shower, lemme go clean my glasses. Aaaaaaah, perfect. Now the world is a little brighter. That's most of the unimportant stuff for now, I think I'll go to breakfast now. After I eat, I'll come back here, and either post again, or work on the paper. I reiterate; I REALLY REALLY should start these earlier - they're not hard, they're time consuming. If I get it done first, then I get rid of a lot of stress, a lot more stress than is gotten rid of while playing video games. Speaking of which, Jess took a fancy to Mario Party 4, so she'll be helping me complete the Story mode for each character. Hmmmm, aside from that, and a renewed interest in webcomics and listening to music, that takes care of most of the superficial stuff that's going on. Yep, video gaming aside, I can move onto more important stuff in my next post.