Problem: 1000 perfect logicians are imprisoned. 500 have blue eyes, 499 people have brown eyes, and one has green eyes. They can see each other's eyes but not their own, and cannot communicate eye colors to each other. At the end of every day, those who have deduced their own eye color are freed. The guard states, "At least one of you has blue eyes
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I see n-1. If I'm not blue, each of them sees n-2, and reasons:
I see n-2. If I'm not blue, each of them sees n-3, and reasons:
I see 1. If I'm not blue, they see 0, and would know and leave on day 1.
Since they didn't leave on day 1, I'm blue and can leave on day 2.
Since they didn't leave on day n-1, I know I'm blue and can leave on day n.
Each of the "If I'm not blue..." is a counterfactual hypothesis that is eventually proven false, by contrapositive, when something it implies is proven false. The statement "n>=1" does not provide new information when n>2, but it would have provided new information in the deeply nested counterfactual universe where n=1, which is required to start the induction.
Edited to add: "Deeply Nested Counterfactual Universe" would be a great band or tumblr name.
Suppose there are 5 people with blue eyes.
At the beginning of day 1 they can easily determine that regardless of their own eye color, no one else is going to leave at the end of the day, so when no one leaves on day 1 they learn absolutely nothing that they didn't already know.
From an information theoretic perspective, I believe they are getting one bit of information each day after day 1. Specifically, whether or not the blue eyed people left. Moreover, once they leave, that's it. So whatever information they're getting over time, they're getting as unary.
Everyone with blue eyes knows on day one the value is either 4 or 5. After day 4, they see the others didn't leave, and rule out 4. If there were actually 4, the guard's statement would have been necessary for them to leave on day 4, from the induction. So the statement, combined with the blue eyes not leaving, yields new information after day 4.
I don't claim to understand this intuitively. I struggled and failed to approach it informally. I eventually reached my conclusions by translating from a more formal analysis. I am 99% certain of what I've said, but only because it agrees with the formal analysis.
Have you seen this problem on a forum with a lot of smart people?.
(Even that doesn't settle it, as the Monty Hall Problem showed very smart people can get things wrong).
This was in xkcd and the solution page has a link to a formal proof on reddit.
I don't think the reddit proof is quite complete though. Where it claims to be showing F(n+1)=G(n+1) I think it is really showing F(n+1) <= G(n+1). (I don't get the choice of notation; I'd just say F(n+1)=n+1, where F maps from the number of people to the day they leave on.) To be complete it needs equality, i.e. you need to argue that if n+1 people have blue eyes, they can't leave _before_ day n+1.
I'm not sure what proof you're referring to. If you look for the solution to this problem on xkcd, though, that has a link to a "formal" proof on reddit. It doesn't really define what it's talking about though, and where it says "F(n) = G(n)" for "if there are n people with blue eyes they leave on day n" it should probably just say "F(n) = n" where F maps from count to day. I think it's incomplete because I think it shows F(n) <= n, not F(n) = n.
Whoa, I didn't know it was on xkcd/reddit years ago. One of my friends posted it on facebook, along with some other math/logic puzzles.
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