The machine learning conference in Gent, Belgium went well. The speaker before me finished 5 minutes early and I was the last talk of the day... so I made the most of it and talked for 35 minutes followed by 10 minutes of question time. As my presentation topic was seriously radical and ambitious, I was proposing a universal mathematical definition of intelligence, I thought there might be some really tough questions during question time. It turned out that I could easily answer the questions, and indeed one question was perfect because what he asked about was what I presented a paper on the week before at the Gödel symposium in Vienna. I couldn't have planned it better! My supervisor thought it was a "great presentation" and the next day I had people commenting on how confident and passionate I was while talking about my research.
As for Gent... well it was rather pretty actually with lots of old buildings, bridges and canals. Some of the views could have been oil paintings:
After the social dinner I headed out to a salsa bar with some of the other students. On the way I found this mysterious looking building all beautifully lit up: