Jun 14, 2005 01:21
But what was this label, this Word, this conception that tried to define a direction such as “descend”? A definition, confining, restricting, restraining…the Word was heard but not understood, not interpreted, the Silence before and after the Word was forgotten in the chatter…
There was a mass confusion, dispersion, but the light from on High, those particles and waves and the absence of them too poured from that point, that point that was I, that limitless light some how limited by this infinite point, the singularity that it itself created, that pulled it to itself…toward the event horizon and drawn thru the singularity….that singularity is I, but then that vibration that was Him burrowing into her and then
EXPLODING into fragments, yet the initial down pouring thru that glorious woman, that vast Abyss of her soft chasm, how I ached as it thundered down, the shattering, the expansion….
I picked myself up and dusted myself off.
I was standing on a shifting mass of….land? The air before me was swallowed in mist, black/purple wisps of clouds, forming strange images as they shifted and swum. I breathed, and they danced into countless forms, pulsing in time with that breath.
And there was a silent laughter that filled the ears, and I felt that somehow it was connected with my breath, and the laughing form danced at the edge of my vision, constantly consistently, leaping away, laughing, but his smile was innocent and at his feet, a wolfish creature, which bounded after him and before him as he leapt about…
I spun slowly in a circle from which I was the center, trying to catch his image, and the mass of land and mist swirled with me.
I opened my mouth to speak, to call out to his laughing form, and as I did the mist began to swirl in front of me, opening a moment so I could see, there, in the faint distance, a form….I saw flashes of golden and night blue before I realized….
He was there. The blond with the sword. His wings were massive, I couldn’t tell where they ended. I looked around, was she here too? The Word I had opened my mouth to speak came from him as he swooned before her. The sly smile that crossed his face as he opened her arms to her…she gave a lustful grin which allowed the points of her fangs to be seen…her wings matched his, but were hers black and his white? Or the other way, or did his flash back and forth while hers remained inky darkness? Yet the red and the blue and the countless combinations flashes so quickly there was no point in differentiation…
Their embrace caused the plane to shake and storm and as they twisted together, each moment of passion, each devouring kiss, and the mass beneath moved and the sky above me swirled until mountains and valleys and starlight and it all rushed together in one infinite motion of matter.
And soon we found ourselves standing on the still smoldering plains of what we would soon come to know as Mediterranea. And we sat that night, amongst the stars, by the edge of the wine dark sea. We sat in Silence, as we communed, we three. Feeling the tremors run through the land as the manifestation took hold stretching out into the aethrys, twisting and curling tendrils rushing towards becoming.
And I saw a young boy in the distance, with darkness about his head, but the gold shimmered thru, and he waved to us, with a brilliant smile, arm over his head swaying back and forth slightly with a sword clutched in his fist, and a candle in the other.
And there was a scarlet young man, with burnished gold hair, and in the distance about him all forms of fire and flames, erupting volcanoes and bubbling seas, dancing about him and his stone set grimace, he did not meet our eyes or cared to, and his blaze burned through the night, with that bright red star beyond his shoulder, as we sat on the beach at the edge of the wine dark sea and laughed Silently, we three.
And when the sun rose, their child was born. And his laughter filled the realm, and the warmth shot thru the land, along with the gravity that settled the still shifting rocks and the earth gave a great groan, like a sigh, as she stabilized, and when I smiled, the child laughed and the light pulsed ever stronger, and the beams of the light and warmth vibrated towards a higher intensity….
When he lifted his arms to the sky that infinite light and laughter, my smile that shone thru him burst into all the colors, the scattered across the land and sea and sky, winding in intricate patterns like snakes into all directions….
And as those streams of colored light, fractioned by that prism rushed thru the land, the details became clearer, the fuzzy lines beginning to sharpen with distinction, but as they sharpened into definition, that absence of that definition skirted to the shadows cast by the images…