May 30, 2006 20:12
Here are the promised details as to why summer school is going to kill me. As many of you know my grandfather passed away a couple weeks ago and I'm at Grandmother's helping her with somethings before I go to Columbus for Business Week. So when I finally left home yesterday, I left for at least two weeks depending on what Grandmother decides about coming to B'ham. Well I got just the other side of Tuscaloosa when I realized that I forgot my book for Organizational Behavior, that online class I'm taking. Well I decided that it wasn't worth it to turn around and go back for it. Classes started today and I got my syllabus this afternoon. I have a chapter due tomorrow at noon and stuff due Friday and Saturday too. Shoot I have a test next weekend while I'm in Louisville for the reunion that I'm not exactly sure when I'm going to take. Needless to say I need my book like today. So after calling around and not being able to get a copy to borrow around here, Mama is going to over night it to me first thing tomorrow and I should get it Thurs after I get home from Columbus. I emailed my professor and told her the situation and asked her what I needed to do. I haven't heard back from her but I may not. Mama just called and asked me what part I needed that she'd just scan and email me the chapter I needed. So now I'm waiting for it to get here so I can read my homework.
The class itself is going to be a whole bunch of busy work. I have two chapters a week, one on tuesday and one on Thursday; a 3 pg. book report on a leadership book; a 7 to 9 page paper off a list of topics; 5 tests; and a final paper on what I learned in this class. Yeah Yeah I know doesn't sound too bad but this is the same professor that I had for Management so we shall see. The main problem I have is when stuff is due that I can't turn in early like tests. I have a syllabus test on Sat. when I'm heading to Columbus and my first test out of the book is next Sat. when I'm in Louisville for the family reunion and may be without computer access. But as always I'll think of something.
Well I think I've ranted long enough. I'll catch y'all later.