Well I have survived the first two days of school. This is going to be a personally challenging semester but I have confidence that I will persevere. Three of my classes are research based writing type classes which I HATE but luckily the longest paper I have to write is six pages I think. I also have presentations that I have to give this semester which I'm not looking forward to. I think material-wise I should fine its just all the papers, research and projects that I'm worried about. Yeah I know all my English major friends are playing the worlds smallest violin but y'all also know that I don't like this and that papers aren't my strong suit. Well here's the breakdown of my classes:
French II: I'm not really sure about this one because we haven't actually had class yet. Sophie's been in France and should be back today. From what I can tell of the syllabus, it should be just like French I so I'm not worried.
Intermediate Accounting II: Same professor as last semester. Most of the same people too. Ms. Russell's really good so again not really worried. I just have to stay on top of my homework and the couple of projects we have.
Bowling: Yes I'm taking bowling. The instructer is only grading on participation so even if I still bowl REALLY badly I should still make an A because I really try. The biggest problem is the driving issue but I've got that worked out with one of the guys in my class so its all good.
Management: This is one of my writing classes. I have chapter questions due at the end of the chapter plus a couple of article writeups and a big semester long project that culminates in a six page paper and a 15 min. presentation. So we'll see how this one goes.
Marketing: Another writing class type. This one's online so I'll have discussion boards to post to and a couple of researched assignments to turn in. I don't think its going to be really bad but I just have to stay on top of it.
Sociobiology: This is the Honors Seminar I'm taking. I'll have to give a three 15 min. talks on different aspects of sociobiology. I'm not sure how this is going to go. Depends a lot on if I get to do the topics that I want to do. We shall see.
MIS Projects: The biggest part of this class will be my project that I'm doing for Institutional Research. Ms. Lowery told me last week that someone else is getting added to the project but she didn't know yet who that would be. So that aspect is going to be interesting. I also might have some case studies to do out of the book along with my other project. I just hope we can find a way to turn my project in to an Honors Project I can live with.
Well I have to run to class. Might actually have French today. Talk to y'all later.