(no subject)

Apr 28, 2005 01:19

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Dear Mrs. Griffin,

I have been thinking recently about a few things that could bring our computer lab up to date, as well as making it more user-friendly. While some of these things are expensive they are things that are doable. My first frustration is that at this moment only one of our computers has Microsoft Word and Power Point on it. This makes studying for art history extremely difficult since all slides of our art history slides are on-line and in power point format.

It is also important to have Mac software on the computers, such as Apple Works. There is a portion of the student body that uses Mac computes, and as those of us with PCs, not all of them have printers. So it makes it difficult to print from the Mac Lab, if the computers are not equipped with the Apple software that comes standard on Mac computers.

Another thing is that though we have very nice Macs, it would be nice to see if we could have double monitors. This would be extremely expensive, however since we are training students to go into the design field it would be nice. Having at least one computer that had a double monitor would give students the ability to spread out on her desktop, and not feel so cramped. This is important in programs such as PhotoShop, QuarkXPress, and Freehand. These programs have numerous pallets that a student needs to access but they can clutter her work area when attempting to work inside of a single monitor frame. Another option is the new wide cinema monitors. They could allow for more space to work without the room needed for two monitors, space is important to think about in the tight space that is the Mac lab.

I would also like to see the integration of some graphics tablets in to the lab. While this might sound odd, or expensive, it could be a very useful tool. Graphics Tablets are used to assist artist in programs such as Freehand, to draw more traditionally. While many of us have learned to draw with a mouse, it is not with the skill and ease that could be achieve with the assists of a tablet and stylus.

I have to say though that I am excited that the Mac lab has moved to the FAC, it is helpful to have it so near by, especially when I work between painting and graphics so frequently. However, it has come to my attention that the room they are in becomes very warm and lacks in good circulation. While this is merely troublesome for students, it is not good for the computers well being. Which is why I bring it up in this letter.

I would hope that people realize how vital a tool our Mac computers are to the art department. While many think that a PC is capable of doing the same thing they are sadly mistaken. Mac computers rule the world of graphics, and if you attempt to train graphic designers without a Mac then you are doing them an injustice. It is also important to realize that one of the most complex and needed programs in graphic design is Quark, and it is not PC compatible. In fact, there is not a version of Quark that is compatible with any PC platform.

I am thankful for my training in these programs and I would like to see the program grow. I would also love to see an added class devoted to Typography in the curriculum. I hope that the art department of Salem continues to grow and thrive. It should be noted that this is a very diverse place, where we feel safe to make work that is extremely personal. Sharing is encouraged and there is a community here that doesn’t always exist in art departments. I know that much of this letter is merely dream at the moment. However, I hope it can be seriously considered and lead to growth within Salem’s art department. Thank you for your time.


Jane E. Toole
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