Jan 14, 2011 21:03
Dear math_helpers,
A friend of mine moved to a new place a few months ago, and rather than just telling me the address, he instead gave me a puzzle to figure it out. I think I have figured out the street name and apartment, and I know the city and state. However, I cannot figure out the address.
The way he set it up is:
[A][B] [C] St. [D]
[E],[F] [G]
A. First integer solution to x^y=y^x; x =/= y
B. Second prime following [A]
Here's where I'm having trouble: I thought the first integer solution to A would be 2, but I looked up the addresses for the street and they range from the 1100s to 1600s. So, I don't know. I'm hoping you guys will offer fresh eyes on this puzzle.
For [G], he wrote "Double true!" which probably refers to Google Maps (look up Lazy Sunday if you don't know why). Either his zip code is 900913 (GOOGLE=900913), which doesn't exist, or he is telling me I can just use Google Maps to find the zip code once I have everything else in place.
Thanks for your insight!