(no subject)

Jun 29, 2010 12:46


LJ USERNAME: anigirl15
AIM/MSN: kbb08 (but I have privacy on so I need to add people before they can IM me)
EMAIL: livejournal[at]anigirl15[dot]com


NAME: Sho Minamimoto
SERIES: The World Ends With You
TIMELINE: w2d7, a bit before when Neku and Josh show up on top of Pork City
BACKGROUND: Personal wiki page and general game page
Minamimoto is a Reaper and a high-ranked Officer, and thus is quite powerful. He can move between the UG (Underground, the world of the dead where the Reaper’s Game is played) and the RG (Realground, the world of the living), however he loses all of his Reaper powers in the RG. Since he was taken from the UG, I will be treating him as if he is at the frequency he normally is in the UG, and thus in possession of the majority of his Reaper powers, though dampened in strength.

Like all Reapers, he can summon Noise (essentially, your basic video game enemy monsters) and transform into one himself. His Noise form is a giant lion-like creature. He will still be able to summon Noise under the limiter, but it will either take a lot of effort on his part (essentially more than would make it worth it, any damage done by the Noise he creates would be less than what he could manage with the same amount of energy) or a very large source of negativity, as negativity is a force that in his own world, can generate Noise spontaneously. Even in the latter case, it is still far from effortless. He can change into his Noise form with just enough effort to make it annoying, but not enough to deter him if he feels like he might be getting in a bit over his head otherwise.

As a Game Master, Minamimoto also has the ability to summon Boss-level Noise. Additionally, he has the knowledge necessary to create and summon Taboo Noise (which are much, much stronger than regular Noise) through the use of a Taboo Refinery Sigil. Refinery Sigils can also be used for more than simply making Noise, including refining oneself into a Taboo creature, although Minamimoto’s knowledge of this technique is imperfect. He won’t be summoning Boss Noise any time soon (probably, and I’ll talk to a mod first if I’d like him to), but he will keep the knowledge he has about Taboo Noise: it’s information, not a power.

As a fighter, Minamimoto primarily relies upon physical attacks, often teleporting right next to his opponent and striking them, then teleporting away before they get the chance to retaliate. He also posses several long-ranged attacks in the form of energy blasts, and can levitate out of harm’s way. Rather than being able to teleport multiple times successively, he’ll have a several (something like ten, reduced to half that in Noise form) second cooldown between jumps, however if he pushes himself he’ll be able to get it down to three. His long-ranged attacks will decrease in power. Since his levitation is a bit of an on/off thing, he’ll keep that, but he’s far from able to do it indefinitely.

While most Reapers only posses two wings, Minamimoto has six. Because a Reaper’s wings house their power, this likely means Minamimoto is much, much stronger than most Reapers. This is also supported by the fact that he is apparently the youngest Reaper Officer in history. However, prior to actually fighting (but after the point I am taking him from), he shatters his own wings, so it’s probable that the power we see Minamimoto posses in the boss fight isn’t the full extent of his strength as a Reaper. I personally also attribute his ability to absorb Taboo Noise and use them to transform into his own Noise form as something that occurred as a result of shattering his wings; thus he won’t have that power at the point I’m taking him from. He will keep his six wings and the ability to show/hide them.

Reapers are also resistant to “scanning”, or mind-reading, so Minamimoto will be impervious to any powers that involve messing with his head unless something specific is worked out.

As a couple miscellaneous talents, he can recite well over 150 digits of pi off the top of his head, collect enough random garbage overnight to build a gigantic heap, and actually make said heap at least structurally sound enough for him to sit on top of and not come crashing down right away when someone starts digging through it. The only thing that could possibly be affected by the limiter is collecting the garbage.


In order to even hope to understand Minamimoto, one thing must be made clear: he is a genius. An absolute headcase whose logic is occasionally borderline impossible to follow and possesses an ego the size of the sun, but a genius.

Everything he does is in pursuit of his ideal of beauty. He believes the world as it is is “garbage”, and he is the most awesome thing since the big bang (or possibly the creation of calculus). Thus, every idea he has is right, and no one else’s opinions matter at all. This belief has resulted in an overblown ego, and Minamimoto never hesitates to let others know just how lowly he thinks of them. He constantly insults and belittles almost everyone he talks to. That’s not to say that he hates everyone, far from it. To Minamimoto, most people don’t even register. They’re worth nothing, so he doesn’t even have to bother feeling anything towards them that isn’t smug superiority.

Minamimoto always tries to be two steps ahead. It’s almost guaranteed that anything he does is either in pursuit of some complicated, elaborate plan to get what he wants, a way to spread his beauty, or an attempt to entertain himself. One of his biggest weaknesses is that he doesn’t make backup plans, however he compensates for this both by being versatile and making sure his plans go right the first time. His confidence doesn’t allow him to even think that something won’t go off just as he planned it: he’s the type of person who never says “if”, only “when”. If something goes wrong, he’s instantly trying to figure out a way to make it go right again. He never tries the exact same thing twice, because if it didn’t work before, it’d be an insult to fail again. Minamimoto is the type who’s willing to make smaller sacrifices for the sake of the larger plan: things don’t always have to go exactly as he wanted if it gets him what he wants in the end.

Minamimoto has taken it upon himself to improve the world from its currently sorry state, and clearly the best way to do this is to put him in charge. To that end, he ruthlessly seeks power, in particular the seat of the Composer. He’s fiercely independent, and any semblance of cooperation he may have is only so he can use people for his own ends. He doesn’t like relying on others, preferring to do everything himself if he can manage it, even if this means he’s putting in more effort. After all, if he lets someone else do it, they might mess up, and Minamimoto of course never messes up, himself. For the same reason, he almost never relies on manipulating people to accomplish anything of value: most of what he uses others for is his own entertainment.

He’s easily excitable and full of energy, often shouting even when there doesn’t seem to be a reason to, but for likely similar reasons he’s easily bored. He won’t hesitate to abandon something that isn’t holding his attention, but if he gets absorbed in something, he sticks with it until he’s done. He also has a very peculiar style of speech. Minamimoto speaks with math symbols which, for some reason, seems to come across to those listening even though the puns are mostly visual. He makes additional references to physics and chemistry, though he’s primarily mathematical. His favorite types of insults are two-word alliterations that often don’t even make sense in any scientific capacity.

STATUS: All new and shiny


[SIDE B] http://anteplaying.livejournal.com/1104.html?thread=203856#t203856
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