The Ludovico Technique: Why Did They Need A Soundtrack Again?

Feb 25, 2010 21:30

Now granted, I didn't read this book too thoroughly, so I could be missing something, but it seems like a total plot contrivance.

I mean, didn't they have *talkies* in the 60's? Wouldn't a background of terrified screams and cries of agony have done more to sicken the patient? Were they on a shoe string budget? Could they not afford a microphone? Could they not afford any of the current, licensed music? Did one of the technicians just lose the recording and hope no one would notice?

I get that it's necessary to the plot, the Ludovico Technique has to have a big weakness because otherwise it's a child rapist crying about how he gets a tummy ache when he wants to rape children. Yeah, that really moves me to tears. Not. But I guess cutting a man off from his one non destructive love in life is a little... ok, I still don't care about his plight, I'm in the "Why don't you just shoot him!" camp... but I guess it could be seen why that's sadistic and wrong.

But then we get back to the real question: why did they waste there time with this?  I get that they can't be quite as trigger happy as I would if I ran a totalitarian government, because they need workers and workers to have babies to become new workers, but why not just work their prison population to the bone so they never have to deal with reintroduction and put some more effort into working out the child-care situation.  Honestly, I would be such a better homicidal dictator then any of these fictional governments!

Ok, now I'm ready to be serious.  Everyone says this is such a great book, but this seems like a huge plot hole.  Did I just miss something?  Probably. 

books, class

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