God invented waterproof mascara for days like this...

Apr 08, 2009 11:30

So basically I lost my NROTC scholarship because I couldn't find it in myself to run fast enough. Besides the obvious loss (tuition must now be paid back...) there's the deeper loss of the career I wanted (sort of, I want to be a dentist in the navy, not a pilot or nuke), and getting kicked out off the "team" and out of the "fraternity" (yes I'm a girl, but ROTC is totally like a Frat.) So I'm totally bummed.

How bummed? Oh, I'll tell you. I'm so sad that regular emo music with now-rich white boys whining about their parents and girl friends just doesn't cut it with me. I'm on the *hard* stuff.

Motown, oh yeah.

True to form I had my little "No One Understandz MEEEEE!!1!" moment before remembering that song from Four Brothers (which is a great movie btw) when the mom dies. Just look at this:

Sunshine, blue skies, please go away.
My girl has found another and gone away.
With her went my future, my life is filled with gloom.
So day after day, I stayed locked up in my room.

My feelings exactly, right down to my uncertain future and sincere wish the sun would hide it's stupid, shinny face. I'm listening to Pandora right now, and there was this one song with a line about how your troubles make the triumphs better and I no kidding sobbed into my Environmentally Friendly Recycled College Coffee Shop Napkin. I tried to bookmark the song, but the stupid popup blocker reset the page and I lost it. But I gave it a thumbs up so it should come back on eventually.

Why don't real emo kids know about this stuff? It's melancholy, full of loss, and still totally kick ass! (I would worry that I'm offending people by comparing the two, but no one's going to read this anyway so who cares?)

Unfortunate implication #1: I am a total fandom whore. I start watching Supernatural? Suddenly my iTunes is filled with Metallica an BOC. Gossip Girl becomes a guilty pleasure? Say hello to some Lady Gaga youtube history. And now that I've checked out some movie to see Garrett Hedlund and the slash possibilities (from fandom!secret no less) I'm all about the Temptations.

Unfortunate implication #2: My inner pain is so deep and anguished I need the backdrop of racial disparity to find its equal. I missed race!fail though, so that should count for something. But seriously, it's not like that; the music just speaks to me in my emotionally vulnerable state.

movies, music, life

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