Collected links from around the web
xkcd: Password Strength-been meaning to redo my password scheme anyway
I had the 8-10chars, some numbers, some punctuation jammed into me at work and elsewhere, it's become a habit. Anyone got a random word generator app? Suspect "correct horse battery staple" may become new 1234
(tags: security xkcd)
Steve's random and often belligerent Journal - Riots aren't political
Steve wishes the riots were political, wishes they had a point, but they're just looters looting. I think he's, broadly, right. I think he's wrong to say there's no alternatives, but the disillusion of many with the idea of incremental improvement from within is a fight for another day.
(tags: london riots)
IPCC says we need massive economic growth to solve Climate Change
Is Worstall's analysis correct here? I can't see any flaws in it and the logic is sound to my ears, but it's certainly an unpopular message amongst certain elements of the environment first movement.
(tags: climate-change economics)
Building Blocks of DNA Found in Meteorites From Space | we're all aliens!
Are we all descended from alien DNA falling to the ground in rocks? Maybe. Certainly possible if this is backed up. This is cool.
(tags: research astronomy science)
An Oscar for Andy Serkis - agree with @scalzi's argument here, Serkis is brilliant
The rules and weird politics around the Oscars always befuddles me, the LoTR movies barely got anything then ROTK swept the board, etc. But Scalzi makes a good point here about specifically singling out Serkis and the work he's done bringing forward motion capture acting as an actual art.
(tags: andy-serkis john+scalzi oscars)
Observe the smug Devilbunny - CLOVIS! Clovis the devilbunny lives! 99% of you are going huh?, but I care not
For those of you that have never played Doomtown, the best CCG ever released, this picture of the real actual Clovis hogging a sofa is meaningless (but still cool, it's a devilbunny). For those that did? Clovis lives!
(tags: Clovis Doomtown gaming)
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