Look at the size of that thing (and questions about links posts)

Jul 23, 2011 15:14

So, it's summer, which means us school employed non-teacher types get time off. And, unexpectedly, this li'l stepdad found out yesterday that stepdaughter is at Dad's all next week so I have a completely free week with no plans (and very little money).

So I'm tidying, and have even managed to clear the office desk to plug the lovely little netbook into the big flatscreen monitor and decent keyboard. This is a Good Thing. Except, I've got very very used to the netbook over 18 months. It's got a 1024*600 display, and I'm used to seeing everything, including webpages, on a screen that size.

From BlogpostpicsThis monitor? 1280*1024. That doesn't sound massive, and it's dwarfed by, say, my father's iMac, but I'm so used to small it seem huge to me now. Here's a screenshot of my browser window resized to netbook size within it. See what I mean? Size matters not? Whoever told you that was your enemy ;-)

Anyway, now I've got the desk setup, I want to try and get more work done, more writing done, and hopefully some coding work on DW, this means I'll likely be spending more time procratinating and linking to cool stuff. I know, I've said that before, but, y'know, stranger things have happened. Now, as you probably know, I redid the Delicious Glue linkposter awhileback to make the whole process easy (and therefore likely I'll do it). I can set it to appear at any time whatsoever GMT.
andrewducker has his set for 11am GMT,
miss_s_b has hers for 9am, mine's currently set for 9pm but I'm not sure that's the best time. Basically, when it runs, it takes all the links I've posted for 24 hours and puts them here as a digest. What time of day suits you best if you like to read them? I ask because some like stuff to amuse when they're supposed to be working, some when they're on a break, some when they're eating breakfast/travelling, others just before they turn in, and I, frankly, don't care.

View poll: Linkspam posts
Hey, look, tickboxes for everything. Yup, you're allowed more than one opinion on the same topic, aren't I a good little liberal ;-)

More stuff to follow, likely, unless I got play Goldeneye for a bit. Actually, breakfast would make some sense. I'll go do that.

comments on the original post on Dreamwidth. I'd prefer it if you comment there[1] if you are able to keep the discussion together. [1] If you are reading this, you very likely have an OpenID.

delicious glue, silliness, polls, computers

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