In my
Monday post about icons, I gave replacement codes for the 5 icons that DW commonly uses as well as the 3 that LJ commonly uses. I missed one that DW uses, namely direct links to LJs using the new custom site code.
If you didn't know, rather than the old [lj-user="matgb"] code, DW has replaced it with [user name="matgb"], ie removing the LJ bit given, obviously, it's not on LJ. But cunningly, they've also added another option, if you code [user name="matgb" site=""] it will link to matgb on LJ, not DW. And it'll take the LJ usericon from the LJ server as well.
Which would be cool. Except it doesn't auto-discover whether it's a person, community or feed. So my post
Tuesday mentioning the Russian President's blog displayed it as a person, not as a community. Which I think is slightly unintuitive and misleading. So I've fixed that.
.ljuser img[src=""] {
background-image: url(;padding: 17px 17px 0 2px !important;
I've added another bit of code for DW so that off-site links to LJs instead display the LJ pencil, to show it's something on LJ, not a bloke regardless of what it is on LJ. So, if you look at this post on DW using my style, it'll show the little pencil when I repeat the link. Look:
blog_medvedev. I suspect I could keep doing these for ages-if you regularly link to IJ, WP, JF or whatever people, y'know what? Sort your own code out, ask me if you need help.
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