I am having difficulty figuring out words for describing how cool
this is:
Click to view
My quote of the day is from the description: Keep in mind the scanner and floppy drive are not musical instruments. These are mechancial devices whose frequencies tend to drift and can cause some notes to be out of tune.
Seriously, how cool is that? (
Also, I'm testing the DW crossposter, apparently there are issues with post edits and embedded videos that we need to iron out. So comments off on LJ and on on DW, I don't plan on making a habit of this until it's way out of closed beta, but you all know me and plans...
This entry was originally posted at
http://matgb.dreamwidth.org/360502.html. Please comment there using OpenID.
ETA:Um, yeah, some horrible glitch, for some time, this was displaying as the tesla orchestra 1812 I posted awhileback, now fixed to the correct cover of Bohemian Rhapsody.