Finally got around to fixing the settings and started using Delicious again. Which means you get context with the links. I'm clearing out the saved folders full, this is a random assortment of stuff I had in a folder called "Cool". Make of tht what you will.
Charlie vs Cory, who wins?
Wait, they're on the same side. The good one. Anyway, Open Rights Group Event - Doctorow and Stross: Resisting the all-seeing eye, Friday May 1st, down in That London. No chance I can make it, but you should go. Yes, you.
(tags: privacy charles+stross cory+doctorow)
The Sci Fi channel rebrands as SyFy
Except, obviously, in Poland. The reasons given seem to actually make sense. Doesn't make it a good idea, but it makes sense. But, um, it's still a stupid name. then again, I said that about Dave, ad I reckon I watch that more often than any other channel.
(tags: SyFy Dave TV marketing rebranding)
Ignorant jurors threaten fair trials
Pretty sure this'll be happening over here as well. So many people have little to no understanding of the legal system or why it works the way it does. FS, if the Judge says don't do it, don't do it
(tags: justice internet)
Really cool antique map collection
Jonathan Potter's collection of rare antique maps was up for sale so the Telegraph nicely gave us a set of pictures of them. I've got some reproduction Speeds, but, well, when I've won several lotteries and robbed a few banks...
(tags: maps)
the Asus Eee Keyboard
I wants one my precious, I wants one I does. Such a cool idea, but the whole computer into the keyboard and plug it into a decent TV. Oh, wait, I had a Spectrum when I was a kid. Except that, well, the Spectrum is outspecced by my mobile phone these days.
(tags: computers eee cool)
Chelmsford 123 (AD)
Utterly dodgy YouTube upload of one of the daftest TV sitcoms ever. Helped launch the careers of so many people and, well, it's fun. If you like the idea that the Roman governor of Britannia is based in Chelmsford.
(tags: comedy tv chelmsford123)
Jack Kirby's Comic Version of The Prisoner
I had no idea this even existed. Then, looking at it, I can see why. Kirby was a great visionary, but so horribly dated today.
(tags: comics tv the+prisoner i+am+not+a+number)
Best guitar solo ever?
This is brilliant. Acoustic guitar player doing a version of Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence, incredibly haunting and well done. ETA: insomnia and spoombung appear to be competing to find competitors in the comments, here's an alternative Japanese player of the same tune.
(tags: music video)
Homo Evolutis-what species will our grandchildren be?
Starts with the economic problems, moves onto technology trends, and then goes into what we're likely to become. Some of his answers may or may not be right, but he sure as hell is asking the right questions.
(tags: science technology evolution economics trends)
Time travel cheat sheet-in T Shirt form
If you've ever wondered how you'd handle being stuc back in time (or like Miriam in another dimension), this handy t-shirt is a must-wear.
(tags: clothes t-shirt funny)
Colonial history-the geek notes version
Bullet point summary of why England ended up colonising "Virginia", start from the bottom entry and move up. An old, and sadly defunct journal linked to in the comments at a post by Steve on something else entirely
(tags: history funny)
And yes, LoudTwitter is now posting to a private filter, at least for a bit.